
2014-09-16 12:32阿卡索英语口语技巧英语学习

英语口语中出现频率最高的语句除了"hello",应该就要数"bye "了吧。我们来看看英语中“再见”怎么表达。


1. goodbye/bye

备注: "bye""goodbye"更随意。


"Goodbye, Mrs Moore.'' "Goodbye, Dr Lee.'' -再见,莫太太。 -再见,李医生。)

Goodbye, Louise. See you soon. (路易斯再见。)

Thank you for calling. Goodbye. (谢谢你打电话来。再见。)

"Bye, Annie.'' "Bye, Mom,'' she said, kissing her mother on the cheek. (妈妈说:“安妮,再见。”安妮在妈妈脸颊上亲了一下,说道:“再见,妈妈。”

bye for now (say this to a friend who you will see again soon)

I've got some stuff to do. Maybe we can have a drink or something later tonight. Anyway, bye for now. (我现在有点事,我们今晚晚些时候可以一起喝点东西什么的。我先走啦。)



2. see you: use this to say goodbye to a friend you will see again soon

备注:还可以说"see you later""see you around"


See you, Darren. (达伦,再见。)

Bye, Dad. I'll see you later. (爸爸,再见,回见啊。)

You're still coming to the party tonight, aren't you? Good. See you later then. (你今晚还是会去这个派对的吧?太好了,到时候见。)

She turned at the gate and waved. "See you around, Billy.'' (她走到大门口又转身挥手说:“比利,再见啦!”)

see you tomorrow/in the morning/at the club etc.

"See you in the morning,'' she said as she closed the door. (她边关门边说:“明早见。”)

"We'll be back early next week." "Okay. See you then." -我们下周会早早回来。 -好的,到时候见。)

see you soon

Safe trip back guys and we'll see you soon. (希望你们一路平安,我们回头见。)


3. later/catch you later: use this to say goodbye to a friend you will see again soon

备注:"later/catch you later"常见于美式英语中,年轻人尤其爱用。


Catch you later, Matt. (回见,马特。)

"Later, Mike." "Later, Steve." -回见,迈克。 -回见,史蒂夫。)


4. so long: use this to say goodbye to someone you do not expect to meet again for a long time

备注:"so long"常见于美式英语中,一般不会很快再见面时的告别用"so long"


"So long,'' he said, "Don't forget to write.'' (他说:“再见了,别忘了写信来。”)

She grabbed Nick by the shoulders and hugged him affectionately. "So long, Nick.'' (她抓住尼克的肩膀,深情地抱了抱他,说:“别了,尼克。”)


5. have a nice day/good weekend/great time etc.: say this when you are saying good bye to someone to wish them a good day, a good weekend, a good holiday etc.


Have a nice weekend. (再见,周末愉快。)

Have a great time at the concert, you guys! (再见,大家演唱会上玩得开心啊!)


6. have a good one: say this when you are saying goodbye to someone to wish them a nice day

备注:"have a good one"常见于美式英语中。


"I'm off to work." "Alright, have a good one." -我去上班了。 -好,工作愉快哦。)


7. take care: use this to say goodbye to family or friends


"All right, Pat. Take care." "You too, Sally. Bye." -派特,保重。 -莎莉你也是。再见了。)


8. take it easy: use this to say goodbye to a friend or member of your family

备注:"take it easy"常见于美式英语中。


"See you next week." "Yeah, take it easy." -下周见。 -好,再见。)


9. nice to meet you/nice meeting you: say this when you are going to leave someone who you have just met for the first time

备注:"nice to meet you/nice meeting you"用于跟初次见面的人告别。


Well, it was nice meeting you guys. (很高兴认识大家,我先走了。)

"It was nice to meet you, Paul." "Nice to meet you too, Joanne." -很高兴认识你,保罗。 -我也是,乔安娜。)







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