
2014-11-21 12:52阿卡索英语口语解析英语学习

1. pretend: to behave as if you are someone else and try to make other people believe this 扮作另一个人


pretend to be somebody

We pretended to be students and got into the club for free. (我们假装是学生,免费混进俱乐部。)

pretend (that)

They got into the house by pretending they worked for the electricity company. (他们假装是电力公司的维修人员,进了这所房子。)


2. make yourself out to be: to pretend that you are cleverer, richer, more important etc. than you really are 装聪明、装富等等


Richard led us around the art gallery, making himself out to be some kind of expert on modern art. (理查德带我们参观画廊,一路上都装作对现代艺术很内行的样子。)

What I don't like about her is that she makes herself out to be something special. (我之所以不喜欢她,就是因为她老摆出与众不同的款来。)


3. pose as: to pretend to be someone else, especially someone in an official position, in order to make it easier for you to do something bad or illegal 装作官方人员以做坏事


He posed as a doctor to gain access to the hospital. (他装成医生混进了医院。)

There have been cases of thieves posing as telephone engineers to trick people into letting them into their homes. (小偷扮成电话维修员骗屋主开门,已经有多起类似案件了。)


4. masquerade as: to pretend that you are someone else, especially by dressing or behaving in the way that they do - used especially in literature and stories (多用于文学或故事中)装扮成另一个人


He got into the stadium masquerading as a security guard. (他扮作保安混进了体育场。)

A journalist masquerading as a businessman approached the politicians, and offered them bribes. (一个记者扮作生意人接近这些政客,并向他们行贿。)


5. disguise as: to change your appearance, especially your clothes, so that you look like someone else and people cannot recognize you 易容、改装


He escaped across the border disguised as a priest. (他扮作神父逃出境。)

disguise yourself as

Maybe you could disguise yourself as a waiter and sneak in there. (你可能可以装成服务员混进去。)


6. impersonate: to behave as though you are someone with official power or someone famous, either for dishonest reasons or in order to entertain people 出于不诚实或娱乐他人的目的而扮成官方人员或名人


I got home to find him impersonating Elvis Presley in front of the mirror. (我回到家,看见他在镜子前面模仿猫王。)

It's illegal to impersonate a police officer. (冒充警察是违法行为。)

Daniels faces charges of impersonating a Navy officer. (丹尼尔冒充海军军官,现在面临检控。)


7. do an impersonation/do an impression: to speak, walk, or behave like someone else, in order to make people laugh 模仿某人讲话、走路或行为以逗乐大家


do an impersonation/do an impression of

Stuart did a brilliant impersonation of the boss. (斯图尔特模仿老板模仿得很像。)

a comedian with his own TV show, who does impressions of famous politicians(在电视节目上模仿有名政客的喜剧演员)

Jane does a great impression of Madonna. (简模仿麦当娜模仿得很像。)


8. role play: when you pretend to be someone else and behave as they would behave, especially as a way of learning about a situation or developing a skill (在学习中的)角色扮演


The course uses role play to teach you how to deal with difficult or aggressive customers. (这个课程中,有人扮演成难缠的顾客,好让你可以学习如何处理类似事件。)

Language teachers often use role play in the classroom. (教师在教授语言时,常让大家扮成不同角色进行练习。)







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