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发布时间:2018年04月12日 12:12:26 评论 · 4093浏览







ChandlerMonica是我最爱的一对荧幕情侣, 当ChandlerMonica表白时说:the only thing that matters is that you make me happier than I ever thought I could be.(你给我的幸福超出我想象时),屏幕前的我早已被感动地热泪盈眶….




说明: https://pic2.zhimg.com/80/c9c957d6be1e290aea253e9967387cf2_hd.jpg

说明: https://pic1.zhimg.com/80/899b6260d89854447f8ef491aa988d8b_hd.jpg


1. Plus, Im gonna take you out a lot for free dinner. plus除此之外)

2. weve talked about the relationship and stuff. And stuff诸如此类)

3. Too bad we must return them. 很不幸,我们必须退还它们。(too bad开头来描述一件糟糕的事情)

4. Take my word for it. 相信我。

5. Heres to a lousy Christmas!heres to……为……而干杯)

6.I made a fool of myself.

7. To hell with that bitch!让那婊子见鬼去吧!(咒骂别人的时候,to hell with

8. The worst part is…… 最糟糕的是……

9. I think I should give it a shot/go! 我觉得应该尝试一下!

10.Now you tell me shes not a knock-out! 你该不会说她不是个美人儿吧!

11. Be good!/be a man/be cool! 要听话 / 像个男人的样子 / 冷静点。

12.Nice save! 好扑救!/ 打圆场避免失态(来源于足球)

13.Man, you scared the shoot/crap out of me!

你把我吓坏了! Beat the crap out of sbcrap等于shoot,不过要稍微文雅一些)

14. You did it!你做到了!(或者还可以说I made it! 口语中要注意make, do等小词的运用)

15.Lets make a deal!我们做笔交易吧。

16. That was close!/close one好险。

17.What if I had the guts to quit my job.have the guts有种,有勇气)

18.How did it go with Ceria?Ceria怎么样了?

19.Hows it going? / how are you doing?

20.Its not like (I did this on purpose).并不是……(又是典型的绕弯子式美国思维了!这句话还可以换成Not that I did this on purpose

21. How come you are working here? 你怎么在这里工作?(how come=why)

22.Ill fix it! 我去搞定!

23.Hats off to phoebe. Id say that youre a very good competitor.

(hats off to向谁脱帽致敬)

24.How long has it been since you had sex with your gf?


25.Forget it! / skip it! / I dont wanna talk about this any more.


26.I mean it!我是认真的!

27.Im totally over her!我早就忘了她了!

28. Im gonna pay for it tonight. 今晚我要付出代价。

28.Where were we?刚才我们谈 / 做到哪里了?

29.Leave me alone!别管我 / 别惹我。

30.You have to pick your moments/timing.你说话得选时机。

31.You started it!你先挑衅的(选自 The Incredibles

32. Will he know what this is in reference to? 他知道是谁打来的吗?

33.Make it three/two.再来一杯/份(和老外一起到酒吧,餐厅点同样东西时的经典用语,言简意赅)

34.That makes two of us.所见略同。

35.Two coffee to go.两杯咖啡打包。

36.I was trying to reach you all night.我找了你一晚上。

37.I was wondering/thinking if after work we could grab a cup of coffee?我在想……

38.You bet!当然!

40.Ive been through this!我有经验 / 我也经历过

41.Did it ever occur to you that I might be that stupid!

42.You really need to hate Julies guts.hate sb’’s guts 恨透……)

43.What do you say I buy you a cup of coffee/we go take a walk?

我请你喝杯咖啡怎么样?(what do you say加从句,可用与征求别人意见)

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