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发布时间:2018年05月08日 12:08:54 评论 · 2173浏览


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to expand vocabulary. It is suggested that starting from the opportunity foundation of CET 46, the general situation is that the level 4 vocabulary is about 5000 and the level 6 vocabulary is about 7000. Of course, these words generally belong to the basic vocabulary, some belong to the advanced vocabulary, and a few belong to the academic vocabulary. On this basis, first overcome the 4-level vocabulary, then the basic sentences for the most common scenarios of life can be basically expressed. If the foundation is good, you can pass Level 6, either by memorizing IELTS or TOEFL. Back to the word first contact with new words Note recitation of the most common meaning, review focus on other less used meaning, it is not recommended to all the meaning of a word all at once, except genius.


关于选择背单词的软件,现在市面各种软件是在目不暇接,推荐几款觉得不错的背单词神器,例如:扇贝单词 ,百词斩,可可英语 等等。利用单词软件背单词的优势是,软件有单词的标准音标和发声,学员可以模仿跟读,同时还有例句指示单词的语法知识和功能。下面还有同义词,反义词和形似词汇列举。利用单词软件,可以无论是单词,句子,作文,全部都能转换成听力材料,方便随时练习英语听力。背单词的app有一个缺点是很容易对应画面,一个单词看着眼熟但是不一定可以正确写出来,需要在掌握读音和意思之后练习拼写。

Choice of words on the back of the software, and now the market a variety of software is dizzying, recommend several good back word artifact, such as: scallop words, 100 words cut, cocoa English and so on. The advantage of using word software to back words is that the software has standard phonetic transcriptions and vocalizations of words, and learners can imitate and read along with example sentences indicating grammatical knowledge and functions of words. Here are synonyms, antonyms and similar words listed. The use of word software, you can word, sentence, composition, all can be converted into listening materials, easy to practice listening at any time. One disadvantage of back-word apps is that they are easily mapped. A word looks familiar but may not always be written correctly. Practice spelling after reading your pronunciation and meaning.



In fact, the back word can also take the recitation of the article, the whole article back down, basically contains the word at least know the meaning of the sentence, but also memorable useful sentence and grammatical structure. Now the fast Internet allows children to learn English using a self-learning way, online continuous stream of English materials. Choose the appropriate official essay or book about politics, economics, education, life or work to recite understanding. Such a full-text word can be mastered. At the same time, memorize foreign cultures and information when memorizing words. The only thing to note is that the difficulty of the article should not be too large, the basic remained in the full text can understand the article content.


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