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发布时间:2018年05月16日 03:51:16 评论 · 2003浏览


1、  number, n数字

[误]He found a large number of mistake in his homework. [正]He found a large number of mistakes in his homework.

注意:单独的number,是单数,"a large number of•••都用a large of••••••字面意思就是很大数量的••••,就是大量的什么东西••••复数名词",意为大量的

2、last  adj最后的,v持续、延续

(1)[误]This is the newest news. [正]This is the latest news.

注意:"最新消息"应为latest news,因为最晚到的新闻才是最新消息,请注意英语与汉语的区别。Last one指最后一个,the  latest指最新的

(2)[误]I saw my brother the last week.  [正]I saw my brother last week.

注意:当谈到与目前有关的上月、上星期等概念时只能用last month, last week,而不能加定冠词,the last可用于表示一系列词的最后一个,如:That was the last Christmas I spent at home.但the last可以用来表示持续到现在的一个长时期,如:I am busy for the last week.

3、learn学习 学到

[误]The teacher said:"You must study this poem by heart."[正]The teacher said:"You must learn this poem by heart."

注意:  study与learn在作"学习"讲时,常常可以互换,但learn侧重于学习成果或初级阶段的模仿性学习,如:The little baby is learning to walk.而study则多侧重于学习的过程,如:I'm studying at this college.而learn…by heart则是"记住"、"背诵"之意。

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(1)[误]I'll leave Beijing to Shanghai. [正]I'll leave Beijing for Shanghai.

[析]leave for一词组为"去某地",如对话中常讲I'll leave for Shanghai.因所离开的地点是双方都知道的则可以省略。


[误]I've forgotten my homework at home. [正]I've forgotten my homework.

[正]I've left my homework at home.表示以遗忘什么东西•••••

注意: 如果句中有地点状语则不要用forget,而要用leave.


[误]I have two lessons of English.[正]I have two English lessons.

[正]I have two lessons in English. 我有两节英语课

注意:"我有两节英语课。"这一表达法如上,但美国老师讲他有两节课时则多用"I have two classes. "teach somebody a lesson为"教训某人",或"要吸取教训",如:Let this thing teaches you a lesson.

6、lend借给 (注意:lend 和borrow的区别 )

[误]Please borrow me your bike.[正]Please lend me your bike.

注意 :borrow是指"借入",如:I want to borrow some books from the library. lend是"借出",如:I can lend you my bike.而keep为"借多久": 如How long can I keep it?

7、let ,实意动词V让 , 祈使句引导词

(1)[误]The teacher lets the students clean the classroom as a punishment. [正]The teacher makes the students clean the classroom as a punishment.

注意: 虽然let, have, make有相同的用法,但make和have含有迫使某人做某事的意思。Let作为实意动词的时常,“让”没有强迫意味,只表示一般含义的许可,不是强制的

(2)[误]Let's go to the park, will you? [正]Let's go to the park, shall we?

[误]Let us go to the park, shall we?[正]Let us go to the park, will you?

注意:Let's go的反意疑问句是shall we?而Let us go的反意疑问句则是will you?


[误]Many people lost their life in the Second World War.[正]Many People lost their lives in the Second World War.

注意: life作为"生命"、"性命"时应为可数名词;当泛指一般"生活"讲时则为不可数名词,如:Which do you prefer, town life or country life?又如:Life is not all fun.


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