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发布时间:2018年06月23日 03:25:08 评论 · 3268浏览



错误用法 I can't play pingpong myself.  正确用法 I can't play pingpong by myself.

解析 : 第一句并无语法错误,myself为"我亲自要去",而by myself为"独自一人"。这句话要表达的意思是"我一个人无法打乒乓球。"而I want to play pingpong myself.应译为"我自己想去打乒乓球。"或者 说:I cannot play pingpang on my own .


错误用法 :She was named of a flower.   正确用法 :She was named after a flower.

解析: 以……命名应为name after,又如给某人取名应为The father named his son Tom.

3、near ,  prep.靠近;近似于  ,  adj.近的;亲近的;近似的   , adv.近;接近

错误用法 :We came near to hit him.   正确用法 :We came near to hitting him.

解析 :这句话应译为"我们几乎要打他一顿。"near to这一用法中to为介词,其后要接宾语,所以要接名词或动名词。near作介词时其后可加to也可不加to,如:I sit near the door, I sit near to the fire.

by  和near 的区别 :

We lived near the city.与We lived by the city.两句话都是对的,但其表达的意义有所不同,by在表达距离时比near更近,所以by the city是紧靠近某城市。

4、need ,  n.需要,要求;缺乏;必要之物 ,  vt.需要 ,vi.需要

错误用法 :This room needs to clean.

正确用法:This room needs to be cleaned.   正确用法 :This room needs cleaning.

解析 :在表达某事需要做什么时,need后面如用不定式要用其被动态,如接动名词则要用主动态。

错误用法 :We need not to do it.    正确用法 :We needn't do it.

解析 :need用在否定句、疑问句中一般用作情态动词,所以无人称变化也不加to,而在肯定句中则多用作实意动词,如:We need your help.


5、Neither,  conj.也不;既不,   adv.两个都不;既不……也不,   adj.两者都不的


错误用法 :None of my parents is a teacher. 正确用法:Neither of my parents is a teacher.

解析: 对两者的否定不能用none只能用neither, none用于三人以上的情况。

错误用法:I don't do my homework. Neither he does.   正确用法:I don't do my homework. Neither does he.


错与用法 :Neither you nor I are right.  正确用法 :Neither you nor I am right.

解析 :neither…nor… 这一句型在应用时其谓语动词应以邻近的主语一致。

错误用法 :Neither he studies nor plays. 正确用法 :Neither does he study nor play.

解析: neither, hardly, seldom等否定词位于句首时,谓语动词采用倒装形式。

6、Never   adv.从未;决不

错误用法 :Never I have broken my word. 正确用法 :Never have I broken my word.

解析 :never用于句首时起强调作用,要用倒装语序。但用于句中一般放于情态动词、助动词、或be动词后面,如:I shall never forgot the expression on her face. Lost time is never found again.用于成语中,如:Better late than never. (晚做比不做强。)never mind没关系,如:"What did you say?"  "Oh, never mind."


She kept very busy with work, but I frequented her office often enough to see the impact that she had on her many patients.    她的工作很忙,但我还是经常去她的办公室了解她对病人们的影响。

8、fix动词:安排,供给,准备饭食Could you fix lunches for the children?你能给孩子们准备午餐吗?


其区别是:前者是动词(及物),主要指一时的影响,着重影响的动作,可指一般意义的影响(不分好坏),也可指不良影响;后者是名词(可数或不可数),两者的关系大致为:affect=have an effect on.

To affect a policy is to have an effect on it.影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。

The news did not affect her at all.=The news had no effect on her at all.这条消息对她没有一点影响。

注意 :effect有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。

They effected their escape in the middle of the night.他们半夜逃脱了。

He effected great changes in the company.他使公司发生了巨大的变化。

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