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发布时间:2018年04月14日 03:18:06 评论 · 5485浏览

Over the River,and Through the Wood  by Lydia Maria Child

Over the river,and through the wood,
To Grandfather's house we go;
the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
through the white and drifted snow.
Over the river,and through the wood,
to Grandfather's house away!
We would not stop for doll or top,
for'tis Thanksgiving Day.
Over the river,and through the wood—
oh,how the wind does blow!
It stings the toes and bites the nose
as over the ground we go.
Over the river,and through the wood—
and straight through the barnyard gate,
We seem to go extremely slow,
it is so hard to wait!
Over the river,and through the wood—
When Grandmother sees us come,
She will say,"O,dear,the children are here,
bring a pie for everyone."
Over the river,and through the wood—
now Grandmother's cap I spy!
Hurrah for the fun!Is the pudding done?
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie!
The following verses appear in a"long version":
Over the river,and through the wood,
with a clear blue winter sky,
The dogs do bark,and children hark,
as we go jingling by.
Over the river,and through the wood,
to have a first-rate play.
Hear the bells ring,"Ting-a-ling-ding!",
Hurrah for Thanksgiving Day!
Over the river,and through the wood,
no matter for winds that blow;
Or if we get the sleigh upset
into a bank of snow
Over the river,and through the wood,
to see little John and Ann;
We will kiss them all,and play snow-ball
and stay as long as we can.
Over the river,and through the wood,
trot fast,my dapple-gray!
Spring over the ground like a hunting-hound!
For'tis Thanksgiving Day.
Over the river,and through the wood,
Old Jowler hears our bells.
He shakes his pow,with a loud bow-wow,
and thus the news he tells.


琳达▪玛利亚▪蔡尔德Lydia Maria Child(1802-1880)是美国废奴主义者,女权运动者,美国土著人权活动家,小说家,记者以及反美国霸权主义者。她的杂志,小说和生活手册,自1820至1850得到了很多观众的追捧。代表作品还有An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans,Hobomok,a Tale of Early Times等

这首诗也被后人谱曲,最早的版本是Grant Raymond Barrett在2006年唱出来的,之后成为了儿童最喜欢的歌曲,常常被用于圣诞节日播放的歌曲。

价值300元外教英语课程领取:http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/lp4.htm?search=700053 (北美原版教材)

Lyrics of Life(1909)/Thanksgiving  by Florence Earle Coates
Now gracious plenty rules the board,
And in the purse is gold;
By multitudes in glad accord
Thy giving is extolled.
Ah,suffer me to thank Thee,Lord,
For what thou dost withhold!
I thank Thee that howe'er we climb
There yet is something higher;
That though through all our reach of time
We to the stars aspire,
Still,still beyond us burns sublime
The pure sidereal fire!
I thank Thee for the unexplained,
The hope that lies before,
The victory that is not gained,—
O Father,more and more
I thank Thee for the unattained,
The good we hunger for!
I thank Thee for the voice that sings
To inner depths of being;
For all the spread and sweep of wings,
From earthly bondage freeing;
For mystery—the dream of things
Beyond our power of seeing!

这首诗来节选于Lyrics of Life(1906),弗洛伦斯▪厄尔科茨Florence Earle Coates(1850-1927),美国诗人,慈善家。代表作品还有Mine and Thine(1904),Fugitive Verse等

Thanksgiving Day,Nov.28,1986  by William S.Burroughs
For John Dillinger
In hope he is still alive
Thanks for the wild turkey and the Passenger Pigeons,destined to be shit out through wholesome American guts—
Thanks for a Continent to despoil and poison—
Thanks for Indians to provide a modicum of challenge and danger—
Thanks for vast herds of bison to kill and skin,leaving the carcass to rot—
Thanks for bounties on wolves and coyotes—
Thanks for the AMERICAN DREAM to vulgarize and falsify until the bare lies shine through—
Thanks for the KKK,for nigger-killing lawmen feeling their notches,for decent church-going women with their mean,pinched,bitter,evil faces—
Thanks for“Kill a Queer for Christ”stickers—
Thanks for laboratory AIDS—
Thanks for Prohibition and the War Against Drugs—
Thanks for a country where nobody is allowed to mind his own business—
Thanks for a nation of finks—yes,
Thanks for all the memories…all right,let’s see your arms…you always were a headache and you always were a bore—
Thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of the last and greatest of human dreams.
威廉▪布洛斯William S.Burroughs(1914-1997),美国作家,艺术家。布洛斯是属于“垮掉的一代”的现代主义作家,对流行文化以及文学产生有着深远的影响。布洛斯写了十八部长篇小说、中篇小说、六部短篇小说集和四部散文集。他的采访和书信已经出版了五本书。他还与众多表演者和音乐家合作进行合作并录音,还在电影中多次亮相。布洛斯的绘画和其他视觉艺术作品数以千计,最著名的当属“射击绘画”。
后来人们为了纪念他,建立了一个专门的网站RealityStudio,A William S.Burroughs Community,里面有关于他的各种文章,包括传记、采访、文学作品、文学批判等。另外,还有一部电影《威廉布洛斯的叛逆人生William S.Burroughs:A Man Within(2010)》,IMDb评分7.2,烂番茄评分8.8,豆瓣评分8.4.

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