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发布时间:2018年05月15日 03:10:13 评论 · 2610浏览


1、  工作--------对于勤劳的天朝人民,“完成工作”是一项大事,如何跟上司同时表达,工作已经做完了呢?不要用土鳖的英语教材中的:I have finished my work/ task·······

(1)We need to cover our bases,即,we need to make sure we’re thoroughly prepared.我们需要确保已做好充分准备。

(2)Right, who wants to get the ball rolling?即,who wants to be the first to speak?好的,谁想第一个发言呢?

(3)It’s all above board,即,it’s being done legally.事情正合法地进行。

(4)“We shouldn’t cut corners,”即,“we shouldn’t try to do it cheaply.”我们不应只想节省成本。

(5)We’re going to put it on ice for now,”即,“postpone further action.”我们打算推迟进一步行动。

(6)Let’s get down to brass tacks,”即,“deal with the practical details.”让我们来处理一下实际细节。

(7)We’ve clinched the deal!”即,“reached an agreement.”我们已达成协议。

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2、  金钱-------哦,咱们天朝人民爱钱是出了名的,不过谁叫房价那么高呢?如何高逼格的正确的表达不同情况下的金钱的收支呢?钱是好东西所以需要变着花样用英语表达:

(1)That will cost an arm and a leg!”即,“it will be expensive.那太贵了.

(2)I’m afraid we’re in the red at the moment,即,we’re making a financial loss.目前我们处于亏损中。

(3)They can’t pay, they’re broke,即,they haven’t got any money at all.他们根本一分钱还没得到。

(4)We’ll break even,”即,“our profits will equal our expenses. 我们将收支平衡。

(5)Let’s go for a ball park figure,”即,“let’s work out a rough estimate.让我们大体估计一下。

(6)What the bottom line?即,the final profit/loss;最终的盈利/损失是多少?也指:“the decisive point, i.e. what someone is really saying.”某个人真正的意思

(7)We were given a blank cheque,”即,“we were told to do what we thought was best in the situation.”我们被告知在此情况下做我们所认为的最好的事。

3、  时间------21世纪什么最贵?人才!NO!最贵的是时间,一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴,土豪有钱啊,也买不到返老还童!时下的生活工作效率也是高的没谁了,那么怎么样确切的表达时间观念了:

(1)He arrived in the nick of time,”即,“he arrived in time to rescue the situation.”(他及时到达,挽救了形势。)

(2)We’ve got up-to-the-minute information,即,“the most recent information.我们已得到最新的信息。)

(3)He’s left the company for good,即,“permanently.他永久离开了公司。

(4)A watched pot never boils即,if you’re impatient, things don’t happen.心急吃不了热豆腐。

(5)We’re working against the clock,即,“it’s a tight deadline.时间太紧了。


江山易改,本性难---------A Leopard Can’t Change His Spots,中国影视剧里面经常用到这一句,然而老外们也有同样释义的句子。

小菜一碟-------It’s a Piece of Cake!”----meaning that it’s incredibly easy. No-one has a difficult time eating a piece of cake, do they?意思是非常容易。任何人吃一小块蛋糕都很容易,对吧?

孤掌难鸣-------It Takes Two to Tango,A person can’t dance the tango alone, nor can they fight by themselves either. If an argument has occurred, there were two people involved, so two were responsible.一个人跳不起来探戈,也不可能和自己打架。如果有争论,肯定会涉及到两个人,所以两个人都应负责。

神魂颠倒------ Head Over Heels,To be incredibly excited and joyful, particularly with regard to being in love. Imagine someone so happy that they do cartwheels down the street: like that.令人难以置信的兴奋和快乐,尤其是在爱情方面。想象某人如此高兴,在街上侧身翻跟斗:感觉就像那样一样。

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