当前位置: 阿卡索外教网> 生活口语> 两会中的官方地道英语有哪些,怎么学


发布时间:2018年05月15日 05:49:26 评论 · 1576浏览

1.“以权谋公而不能谋私。”Government power can only be used for public good(为公众利益而被使用)not for personal gains(个人所得).

2.“高手在民间,破茧就可以出蚕。”I believe there are a lot of people with brilliant talent(优秀的才能)in crowds, and we must lift all the restrictions so they can bring their talent to best use(bring…to best use:把…发挥到极致).

3.“中国是实实在在的发展中国家。”China is still a developing country(发展中国家)in every sense of(从任何意义上)this term(术语).

4.“环保法的执行,不是棉花棒,是杀手锏。”We must ensure that the law will work as(起到…作用)a powerful and effective tool in fighting pollution instead of being soft as cotton stick.

5.“我想,站在“互联网+”的风口上顺势而为,会使中国经济飞起来。”I believe with the tail wind(顺风)generated by our Internet Plus strategy(“互联网+”的战略), we will be able to bring Chinese economy off(bring…off把…解救,成功地做某事)to a new level.

6.“中美经贸关系会更加密切,这个中美关系的“压舱石”会更沉更稳。”China-US business ties(中美经贸关系)will get even closer(变得更紧密)and it will put the overall China-US relationship on more solid footing(把…放到更加坚实的基础上).

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7.“要说中国搭便车,中国这么大块头,搭谁的便车?中国是和大家一起在推车。”Talking about China’s free riding(便车), for such a big country as ours, how could it be easy for it to get a free ride on anybody’s train? What China is doing is working with other countries in pursuit of(追求)common progress(共同进步).

8.“中国是不是最大的世界经济体。我在国外也经常听到有这种说法,总是有被忽悠的感觉。”Whether China has become the largest economy(最大经济体)in the world? Actually I’ve heard such a statement when I visited foreign countries, but I always feel that there are some elements of misleading exaggeration(有一些忽悠夸张的因素)in this conclusion.

9.“简政放权是政府的自我革命,削权是要触动利益的,它不是剪指甲,是割腕,忍痛也得下刀。”The pain of reform is still there and is becoming more acute(严重的,激烈的). The government is reforming itself. Vested interests(既得利益)will be upset. This is not nail-clipping but taking a knife to(拿刀去切割)one's own flesh. We are determined to(决心)keep going until the job is done.

10.“对于一个国家的领导人来说,不仅要继承前人所创造的成就,也应该担负起前人的罪行所带来的历史责任。”For leaders of a country, they, while inheriting(继承)the historical achievements made bytheir forefathers, also need to shoulder(肩负)the historical responsibilities for crimes committed in the past(过去犯下的罪行).


李克强总理对中国游客抢购日本马桶盖一事做出了回应。他呼吁各界对此应持开放的心态,并尽快加快国内卫浴产业的升级。“要是马桶盖与国外的同类产品同质,这样起码能帮消费者省下机票钱。”The premier responded to a report that Chinese tourists to Japan often buy toilet seat lids to bring home. He called for an open attitude to the trend and for the acceleration of the upgrading of the domestic sanitation industry. 'If the toilet seat lids are of the same quality, at least the consumers can save the air ticket.'


李克强总理表示,许多财政、货币政策还有待真正贯彻落实。他强调,政府要顶住经济下行压力,积极采取措施应对。Many fiscal and monetary policies have yet to be employed. The government will take steps if the economy slumps further, Li said.

Chi Fulin, head of the China Institute for Reform and Development, said the establishment of more public services and a public service-oriented government will lay the foundation for boosting domestic demand。中国改革发展研究院院长迟福林表示,建立更多公共服务设施以及建设公共服务型政府将为扩大内需奠定基础。

文中的public service-oriented government就是指“公共服务型政府”,简单地说,就是一个以民众为中心、而不是以政府自身为中心的政府。政府的所作所为,都要体现为民众服务的 理念。这里的oriented就体现出了这种“导向性”。

Oriented表示“以……为方向的,以……为目的的”,例如project- oriented(以项目为导向的),people-oriented(以人为本的)。

本次会议再次提到要坚持boost domestic demand(扩大内需),也可以用propel/expand domestic demand来表示。除了表示“国内的”,domestic还可以用来指“家庭的”。

如:domestic and foreign news(国内外新闻)、domestic violence(家庭暴力)等。


<上一篇 有哪些官方模式下的地道英语,怎么学习

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