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发布时间:2018年05月15日 06:07:22 评论 · 15517浏览

其实不要老认为老外们都是非常友好,彬彬有礼或者是很绅士的,因为“兔子急了也会咬人的”,当然老外们生气了,愤怒了也是会操一口地道的俚语去骂人的,低级的人会直接用全世界人们都会的“fuck, shit ,asshole ······”甚至“you are fucking a piece of shit ”·····,当然学习英语不仅仅为了吸收外国先进的文化和知识,有时候遇到对方超级不客气,过分的举动也是可以优雅的“回怼”对方的。


如果你直接说对方:You / She / He / xxx   are/ is ugly.这样似乎直接上升到了人身攻击,整句话完全正确。也有人会说: 但是情绪没有调动,而且只是一个简单的陈述,伤害力太有限了。而且显得自己英语水平有够一般的。

换句话说,如果某人整天自拍(take selfies),而且觉得自己好帅好美好有型,朋友圈天天晒(以上都是语境),你可以这么说:Your face is made for radio.字面含义就是,你的脸只能上电台。只能出声,不能看。


还可以说:Ah, I understand--you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.字面意思是:我懂了,你从一棵破树上摔下来,一路上刮到了所有的树杈。fell out of the ugly tree是情绪的铺垫,hit every branch on the way down才是宣泄。树有多丑,你就有多丑。



胖的人基本有自知之明,当下基本是流行以瘦为美,说一个人胖除了说you are fat之外,可以换一个姿势:You must have to roll over more than a few times to get an even tan.一般人晒太阳翻一次身就晒全了,你要翻好几次。这是美剧里的一句配角的台词。

想要幽默的回怼,对于老外们是十分喜欢买保险的,因为保险起源于资本主义国家,If you weighed five more pounds, you could get group insurance.再胖几斤,你买保险就可以买团队保险了。一个人的重量顶上别人好几个

The only thing you can fit into at the Gap is the dressing room.  Gap美国的服装品牌,以宽松舒适为卖点,fit into合身,dressing room试衣间,除了能进试衣间,什么衣服都穿不进去

当然,如果不幸自己近期长胖了,被别人嫌弃“肥胖”嘲弄了,那么Did you ever have boobs? (这一条我说没有说服力,且如果对方是男性,这句话的杀伤力也不够大,但如果是两个女生,这基本上可以用了,但是如果对方真的有boobs,那可以用这一句:If you were drowning, I'd totally toss you a Cheerio.溺水不用救生圈,一个麦片圈就足以。

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美国总统唐纳德•特朗普,宣布了他退出巴黎协定的决定。the president of the United State, Donald Trump, announced his decision to withdraw the United State from the Paris Agreement.这不是我们想给自己创造的未来,不是我们想给我们的后代创造的未来,也不是我们想为这个世界创造的未来。

法国总统马克龙回怼特朗普:I do respect his decision. But I do think it is an actual mistake, both for the US and for our planet.我尊重他的决定,但我认为这是一个实实在在的错误,无论对于美国,还是对于世界。I just said it to President Trump, in a few words a few minutes ago this assessment.

马克龙演讲中最精彩的一招,就是“以其人之道,还治其人之身”。借用特朗普竞选口号--Make America Great Again,造出一个新的句子-- Make our planet great again,讽刺特朗普“格局小”。

瑞典外相Margo Wallstrom说道:It was the wrong speech, at the wrong time, to the wrong audience.这是一个在错误的地点向错误的听众做的错误演讲。

法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)则在大会演讲中表示支持与伊朗的核协议。Renouncing it would be a grave error。推翻这个协议将会是一个严重的错误。

以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)在演讲中支持特朗普,表示应修改甚至是全面推翻与伊朗的核协议,并反对伊朗在中东的影响力扩大。the deal with Iran should be amended or scrapped altogether, and warned against the spread of Iranian influence in the Middle East.

美国总统特朗普回怼伊朗,“流氓政府”(rogue government)大肆批评,并将之形容为“地球上现存的瘟疫”。他呼吁伊朗停止支持恐怖主义,称委内瑞拉政府是一个腐败的“社会主义专制政权”(corrupt dictationship)。对于朝鲜,他直言要“彻底摧毁”(totally destroy)。


I don't know what makes you so dumb, but it really works.

If brain were taxed, you'd get a rebate.

Don't get lost in thought--it's unfamiliar territory.

You're so dumb, blondes tell jokes about you.

If you were any smarter, I could teach you to fetch.

I wish I were as smart as you think you are.

Good thing you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.

Smarty-pants: (自作聪明的人,可以用作对上文的反击)

It's lonely at the top, isn't it?

Making other people feel stupid doesn't make you seem smarter.

Do you have to work that hard to be a jerk, or does it just come naturally?

Since your personality acts as a birth control device, you must save lots of money on condoms.

When someone first meets you, they don't like you. But when they get to know you better, they hate you.

You're not even beneath my contempt.

You're the reason God created the middle finger. (这句太赞!)

Your father should have pulled out. (虚拟语气最佳例句)

When you take Viagra, do you get taller? (赞!)

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