英语俗语(colloquialism),依据Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English所给的定义:“an expression used in, or suitable for, ordinary, familiar, or informal conversation.”就是一种大众常用的、比较随意的口语形式,在非正式的言语交际场合里使用那些通俗性的词汇或表达方式。一般来说,日常口语由于谈话题材多为家常琐事,通常使用常用的、熟悉的、口语化的词语,一般不大运用高雅、艰深、冷僻的词汇
俚语(slang),根据Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English所给的定义:“language that is not usu. acceptable in serious speech or writing ,including words, expressions, etc., regarded as very informal or not polite, and those used among particular groups of people.”粗俗的或通行面极窄的方言词,如北京话里的“撒丫子”(放开步子跑) ,“开瓢儿”(打破头)。俚语是一种极为普遍的语言形象,在任何语言中都可以发现其踪迹。所谓俚语,指的是民间非正式、同时较口语化的语句。就是方言嘛,某个地域的人才熟悉。
emo - very emotional(非常情绪化),Don't be so emo. Your boyfriend will be back next week.
frenemy - someone you think is your friend, but your know is really your enemy(某些看上去是朋友,但你知道其实是“敌人”的人),Has your frenemy got you worried?!
groovy - very nice in a mellow(醇香的,柔和丰富的,老练的) sort of way .60年代的一句俚语
Groovy man.
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袋鼠是澳大利亚的代表性动物,kangaroo (袋鼠),bandicoot(袋狸),这是两个标准的书面词汇。但是当它们转变为动词时,就演变成了非常口语化的俗语词。
另外,kangaroo court尤指监狱内囚犯或工会主义者私设的、非正规的法庭;不公正、无法制的伪法庭。emu parade这一俗语来自澳洲大鸟鸸鹋走路的姿势,特指弯致力于捡拾垃圾的军事训练。
cookies - used by programmers to track information on a user's computer that has accessed the internet / We set a cookie when you first access our site. IT程序员都知道
Birdie(低于标准杆的一击) - used by golfers to state that the golf ball was put into the hole with one less golf stroke than expected on a hole .
Tim got two birdies on the back nine at the golf course.
chest voice - used by singers to indicate a style of singing that has chest resonance(共振,共鸣)
Don't push so hard with your chest voice. You'll hurt your voice!
Where there is a will , there is a way .有志者事竟成 Never too old to learn .活到老学到老
When in Rome, do as the Romans. –入乡随俗when you are in a foreign culture, you should act like the people in that culture。
The early bird gets the worm. –早起的鸟儿有虫吃start working early and you will be successful
rain cats and dogs– 倾盆大雨rain very heavily / It's raining cats and dogs tonight.
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