1. she was off work for a while, but now she's back on her feet。她请了几天假,现在她已经恢复了。
恢复recover / be back on one’s feet
2.i felt awful yesterday, but today i feel as right as rain。昨天我很不舒服,但现在我完全好了。
As right as rain非常健康,完全令人满意;一帆风顺
3.the old man is bursting with health。那个老人极其健康。
bursting with health非常健康 ,身体很好
4. if you want to climb three mountains in 24 hours, you have to be as fit as a fiddle。如果你想在24小时内爬三座山,那你身体得特别好。
非常健康;身体很好as fit as a fiddle = bursting with health
5. she was in fine fettle when she came back from her trip to the states。她从美国旅游回来后看着特别精神。
In fine fettle精神振奋,身体健壮
6. it's been a long drive but give me a cup of tea and i'll soon feel fresh as a daisy。我开了很长时间的车,但是只要喝杯茶,我就立刻又精神抖擞了。
feel fresh as a daisy字面意思:感觉像雏菊一样清新,实际意义:精神抖擞
7. Bill is in the best of health. he eats well and exercises。比尔身体非常好,他吃得健康,还经常运动。
in the best of health字面意思:身体最好的状态,实际意思:非常健康
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1. sooner or later, you'll get your conscience smitten。总有一天,你会受到良心的谴责的。 良心受谴责 feel the pricks of conscience / Conscience condemned
2. she must be having a few buttons missing. that's why it's useless to argue with her。她肯定是脑子缺根弦。你跟她理论也没用。 脑子缺根弦have a few buttons missing / Brain short circuit
3. she should have it coming on her, for she's been too conceited。她活该。谁让她总是那么趾高气昂的。 趾高气扬 lift up one's horn / hold one's head high
4. she's an apple-polisher。她真是个马屁精。 拍马屁apple-polisher / lick one’s shoes
5. i regard him as a stick-in-the-mud. he can't accept anything new。我看他就是个老古董。他根本没法接受新知识。 老顽固stick-in-the-mud / old fogey
6. I've never met such an ignoramus。我从没见过这么无知的人。 无知的人:an ignorant person / ignoramus
7. he's a lummox。他是个傻大个。 晒瓜白痴Stupid / fool / idiot是水平很low的词汇
That doesn't count.那不算!
we weren't playing for real.我们不是玩真的。
Money has been really tight lately...最近手头有点紧……
I have had so many other expenses...我有太多其它的费用要付……
it's not my fault.那不是我的错。
he / she made me do it.他(她)要我做的。
i didn't see the sign.我没有看到标胖尽?
it's not my turn to...这次不是轮到我……
i didn't know anything about it...我对此事一无所知……
6、反悔,食言,违背诺言go back on one's word / promise
Later he went back on what he had said.后来他又反悔了。
I give you my word and I'll never go back on it.一言为定, 决不反悔。
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