通常,我们将那些没什么羞耻心,不要脸皮的人形容为“厚脸皮”。有一次在一个翻译文段中遇到这个“厚脸皮”,一时间不知如何下笔。于是只好按字面意思勉强翻译为“thick—skinned”.英文释义是not easily offended by criticism or insults.后来一查,果然“thick—skinned”是有厚脸皮的意思,但是也有点“感觉迟钝,分不清好坏”。还有”thick skin”偏向“硬着头皮”的意思,比如” To be a statesman, you need a thick skin”.
除了”thick—skinned”和“thick skin”,还有更加贴合地道的词语可以翻译这个“厚脸皮”。譬如;impudent; brazen; cheeky.以及have the cheek to do sth,甚至是shamelss.
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That spotty teenager had the cheek to ask Me. for a dance so I sent him away with a flea in his ear.那个粉刺很多的少年竟厚脸皮请我跳舞,我却用讥诮话把他气走了。
The name is really hard to pronounce. I've decided to call it Alexander, which I suppose is quite cheeky.原本这名字非常难发音,所以我决定叫它为亚历山大,我想这可能有点厚脸皮吧。
He said incident reports were filed but ignored by brass. "It was like the incident had never happened, " he stated.他说事件报告已经存档了,但是被那些厚脸皮忽视了。“那就好像是从没发生过一样”,他说。
与thick skin对应的thin skin倒是恰如其分的表达了和字面上的意思一致,是“脸皮薄”的意思。
Have a bad skin,生气
下一篇> 英语翻译时如何翻译拟声词?