很多人在第一次接触“easy street”这个词汇时,很容易把注意力放在”easy”上,”easy”这个词的意思是“容易的;轻易的;不费力的;舒适的”。于是就把”easy street”理解为“购物便利,生活方便的街道”。有这样一句话,“Joe lives on easy street and can buy all the new things that make life easy.”按这样的理解,就会把这句话翻译成“乔住在一条很方便的街上,那里买东西方便,生活很舒服”。 单看译文,不会觉得这句话有错处,甚至还觉得,语句通顺,逻辑合理,是一个正确翻译。但恰恰是自以为最有信心的”easy street”是这句话翻译错误。”easy street”理解成“便利街”似乎并不不妥,但是总觉得缺了些什么。根据语法知识如果”easy”是作为形容词修饰”street”的话就缺少了冠词,正确的表达方式应该是”an easy street”.
所以,”easy”在这里的意思不是“容易的,便利的”。其实,”easy street”是一个习语,意思和”easy life”相近,指生活舒适安逸,经济上富足。也就是” a situation in which somebody has no worries, especially no financial worries”.所以” Joe lives on easy street and can buy all the new things that make life easy.”应该翻译成“乔过着逍遥自在的日子,买得起各种东西,生活很舒适”
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It's really like an Easy Street for bacteria, with the occasional interruption of the unintended forced rush to the exit.
I hope you to be on Easy Street at the end of your working career!
His parents left him a large legacy and he is now living on easy street.
如果说”easy street”表示生活富足,还有一个和street相关的短语与” easy street”表示相反的意思,那就是” out on the street”.从下面这个例句就可以看出“easy street”与” out on the street”的意思相对。
I don't expect you to be a billionaire, but it's up to you whether you want to live on easy street or to be out on the street in the future.