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发布时间:2018年05月15日 06:24:22 评论 · 2116浏览

啥样的地道的英语表达可以称得上权威?啥样的英语在被全世界理解?不用分说,当然是跟着国家高级外交政府官员学到的英语最权威,最地道。Come on!现在就跟着外交政治见解开始高级英语学习集锦之旅吧!


First and foremost, I have never heard about any restriction on the ROK. Second, the Chinese side is always positive to people-to-people and cultural exchanges with the ROK. However, I believe you can all understand that such kind of exchanges should be based on public support. Third, the Chinese side's steadfast opposition to the deployment of THAAD by the US in the ROK is well known to all.    官方释义--------首先,我没有听说所谓的“限韩令”。第二,中方对中韩之间的人文交流一直持积极态度。但相信大家也能理解,两国之间的人文交流是需要有民意基础的。第三,中方坚决反对美国在韩国部署“萨德”反导系统,这一立场也是众所周知的。


If the Japanese side intends to deeply reflect upon itself and make a sincere apology, there are many places in China where they can pay tribute to, be it the Nanjing Massacre memorial hall, the museum of the event on September 18, 1931 or the exhibition hall of evidences of crimes committed by Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army. There are also places in Japan's Asian neighbors that can remind Japan and the international community that the crimes committed by inflictors during WWII will not be bygones and history brook no distortion.   官方释义---------如果日方想深刻反省、真诚道歉,无论是南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆,还是“九一八”事变纪念馆,或是日本731部队遗址,中方有很多场所可供其凭吊。亚洲邻国也有很多这样的地方提醒日本乃至国际社会,二战期间加害国对受害国所犯罪行不容遗忘,历史不容篡改。

价值300元外教英语课程领取:http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/lp4.htm?search=700053 (北美原版教材)


Taiwan-related issues remain the most significant and sensitive part in China-US relations. China-US relations have been moving forward for nearly 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties. The one-China policy and the basic principles embodied in the three joint communiqués between China and the US remain a solid political premise of the sound and steady development of bilateral relations and mutually beneficial cooperation.  官方释义--------台湾问题是中美关系中最重要、最敏感的问题。中美建交近40年来,中美关系不断向前发展。坚持一个中国政策和中美三个联合公报的基本原则,始终是中美关系健康稳定发展和双方开展互利合作的一个重要政治前提。只有坚持这一重要的政治前提,中美关系和中美互利合作才能有一个更加美好的未来。


Secretary如外交秘书、内政秘书,相当于副部长(分两种,以外交部为例,Foreign Secretary外秘,为文官中最高级官员,相当于常务副部长,现外秘为前驻华大使苏杰生;另外有East Secretary, West Secretary等,分别为主管东、西方事务的副部长)

Additional Secretary辅秘,相当于部长助理     Joint Secretary司长/联秘

Director副司长      Deputy Secretary处长      Under Secretary副处长

Minister部长,总理         Minister of State国务部长



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