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发布时间:2018年06月23日 03:18:57 评论 · 2832浏览



1、a big fish in a small pond小地方的大人物

In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small pond,but after she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions.  在她家乡,她很了不起。可是搬到纽约后,她就不过是芸芸众生之一了。

2、smoke like a chimney  烟瘾很大

smoke在此指“冒烟”;chimney指“烟囱”。smoke like a chimney本意为“像烟囱那样冒烟”,喻意为“烟瘾很大”。想想看,一个烟鬼从来烟不离手,整天吞云吐雾,不就像那冒烟的烟囱吗?

She can’t bear her husband for he smokes like a chimney.    她受不了她老公,因为他烟瘾太大。

3、bury the hatchet   本意 :to forgive someone and become friends again    捐弃前嫌(重归于好)

It's time to bury the hatchet and start working together.是捐弃前嫌,开始携手工作的时候了。

by the skin of my teeth

4、to show that someone almost failed to do something) only just     表示差点没做成,勉强,刚好,正好

It was a real struggle, but we got through it by the skin of our teeth.   这确实是一件费力的事,不过我们勉强把它完成了。

5、as dull as ditchwater       恍然大悟

ditch指“沟渠”,ditchwater指“阴沟里的水”。as dull as ditchwater本意为“像阴沟里的水那样无味”,喻意为“索然无味,无聊透顶”。ditchwater也可换成dishwater(洗碗水)。

He is knowledgeable, but his teaching style is as dull as ditchwater.   他学识渊博,但他讲课的方式无聊透顶。

6、have your cake and eat it too 两者兼得,或者鱼和熊掌兼得


本意 :to enjoy the advantages of something without its disadvantages; to have both things that are available得其利而无其弊;两者兼得

Rick thinks he can stay out late every night and still get good grades—he wants to have his cake and eat it too.里克以为他既可以每晚在外面逍遥到很晚,又可以得高分——他想鱼与熊掌兼得。

7、to be the most surprising, annoying, etc. thing that has happened or that someone has done极其惊人;甚为讨厌

He's made some silly mistakes in the past, but this one really takes the cake.他过去曾犯过些愚蠢的错误,但是这次最甚。

8、jump the gun ,本意; to do something or start something too soon过早行动;抢跑

Don't jump the gun on this—make sure you get permission first.   这件事不要操之过急,一定要先得到许可。


a project, problem, question, etc. that is very easy to finish or solve无需动脑的事;轻而易举的事;容易解决的问题

The issue of whether to build a new stadium is a real no-brainer for most fans.对于大多数球迷来说,是否建新体育馆这个问题无需费脑筋。

10、off the record

本意 :if you tell someone something off the record, it is not yet official and you do not want it to be repeated publicly(某人的话)非正式的,不得公开的

She told me off the record that the school was going to be close.她私下里告诉我说那家学校要倒闭了。

11、take a rain check (on sth)

to refuse an invitation or offer, but say that you might accept it later(婉拒邀请或提议)改日再说,下次吧


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