
2014-11-21 12:54阿卡索英语



1. rain : n. water that falls from the sky in small drops


the rain

The rain was beating against the window. (雨打窗户。)

The rain has stopped at last. (雨终于停了。)

in the rain

I like walking in the rain. (我喜欢在雨中漫步。)

acid rain (=rain that contains harmful chemicals from industry) (酸雨)

When acid rain falls, it affects the pH balance of the soil. (酸雨会影响土壤的酸碱平衡。)


2. rain : v. if it rains, water falls from the sky in the form of small drops


it rains

It rained all night, and half the day after. (下了一夜的雨,之后又下了半天。)

Take an umbrella in case it rains. (带把伞,以防下雨。)


3. it's raining : use this to say that rain is falling now

备注: ''it's raining'' 常用于口语中。


Look, it's raining again. (看吧,又下雨了。)

Is it still raining? (还在下雨?)

it's raining hard/heavily (=raining a lot)

It had been raining heavily and the ground was very soft. (一直下大雨,地上的土都软软的。)


4. the wet : wet weather outdoors

备注: ''the wet'' 常用于口语中。


Come on in out of the wet. (快进来,下雨了。)



5. wet/rainy : if the weather is wet or rainy , it rains a lot


It's been wet all week. (一整周都在下雨。)

There's more wet weather on the way. (接下来还是雨天。)

You should bring a waterproof jacket and strong boots in case of wet weather. (你带上雨衣和雨鞋以防下雨。)

It's very wet outside. (外面在下大雨。)

the wettest summer on record (史上最多雨的夏季)

a rainy weekend in November 11 月里,一个下雨的周末)

I hate the rainy weather. (我讨厌下雨天。)


6. it's pouring : use this to say that it is raining very hard 倾盆大雨

备注: ''it's pouring'' 常用于口语中。


As soon as I got outside it started pouring. (我刚出门就开始下暴雨。)

it's pouring with rain (备注:这个用法常出现在英式英语中。)

It was pouring with rain and she had forgotten her umbrella. (正下暴雨,她忘了带雨伞了。)


7. heavy/torrential rain : a lot of rain 暴雨,降雨量大


The roads are flooded after a period of exceptionally heavy rain. (下了一段时间的大雨,路面上都被水淹了。)

There had been heavy rain during the night. (那天夜里下了大雨。)

The torrential rain caused flooding. (暴雨引起了水灾。)


8. torrent : a large amount of water that moves very quickly in one direction


torrents of rain (暴雨)

The rain came down in torrents. (雨泻如注。)



9. shower : a short period of rain which can be light or heavy 阵雨(可以是“大阵雨”,也可以是“小阵雨”)


It was just a shower, so we didn't get too wet. (只是下了一阵小雨,我们没有淋得很湿。)

heavy showers (=when a lot of rain falls for short periods)

Heavy showers are forecast for the weekend. (天气预报说这周末会有强阵雨。)

light showers (=when a small amount of rain falls during short periods)

The weather will be cloudy with light showers in places. (有些地方的天气会是多云,偶尔有阵雨。)

a light shower of rain (小阵雨)

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