“说”字知多少(Part 2)——动词

2014-08-30 14:47阿卡索英语

第一部分 我们讲了 ''different ways of saying something'' (不同状态的“说”,如: whisper, mumble, mutter, murmur 等等),这讲来看一下,根据 说的内容不同 ,可以衍生出多少动词。


1. 最常见的 say ,用于普通日常对话


'I really ought to go.' she said. (她说:“我真得走了。”)

Lauren said she’d probably be late. Lauren 说她可能要迟到了。)

2. state: to say something, especially in a definite or formal way, using in official texts 陈述、声明(常出现在官方语言中)


The witness stated that he had never seen the woman before. (证人说他从没见过这女人。)

Please state your name and address. (请说一下你的名字和地址。)

3. announce: to publicly tell somebody about something 公开宣布


The chairman announced his resignation. (主席宣布卸任。)

The results will be announced tomorrow. (明天宣布结果。)

We will announce the winners next Sunday. (我们将于下周宣布冠军得主。)

They were announcing the train times over the loudspeaker system. (广播正在放列车时刻表。)

4. declare: to say something very firmly 斩钉截铁地说、郑重地说


'My personal life is none of your business.' she declared. (她掷地有声地说:“我的私生活不关你的事!”)

5. mention: to talk about someone or something, especially without giving many details 提到


Did Tom mention anything about what happened at school? Tom 有没有说在学校发生了什么事。)

Your name was mentioned! (提到你名字了!)

6. express: to let somebody know your feeling by putting them into words (用语言)表达(感情)


Young children often find it difficult to express their emotions. (孩子们常常觉得很难用语言表达自己的情绪。)

7. comment: to say what your opinion is about someone or something 评论


The prime minister was asked to comment on the crisis. (大家想让首相谈谈对这次危机的看法。)

8. add: to say something more, after what has already been said 接着说、补充说


'And I don’t care what you think.' she added. (她接着说:“我根本不在乎你的看法。”)

9. point out: to mention something that is particularly important or relevant 指出(要点或相关点)


It’s worth pointing out that few people actually die of this disease. (值得一提的是,很少有人最终死于这个疾病。)

10. air: to talk publicly about your opinions, worries, or the things you disagree about 公开表达(意见、不满等)


air your views/ grievances/ differences

The program will give listeners the chance to air their views about immigration. (这个节目让听众可以对移民问题直抒胸臆。)

Workers were able to air their grievances. (工人可以公开陈述受到的不公待遇。)

11. voice: to talk publicly about your feelings or about whether you approve or disapprove of something 公开表达(情绪、立场等)


voice concern/ support/ doubt/ fears etc.

The president has already voiced his support for the proposal. (总统已经公开表示说支持这个建议。)

She voiced concern for the safety of the hostages. (她表示担心人质的安全。)


再次区分了不同的“说”,帮助我们 写作 时用词更丰富,不妨写下一篇文章时就试试吧。




