
2014-09-17 14:51阿卡索英语


1. put up with : to accept an annoying situation or someone's annoying behavior, without trying to stop it or change it


I don't know how you put up with all this noise day after day. (我不知道你怎么能日复一日地忍受这噪音。)

You see what I have to put up with - the kids never stop arguing. (孩子们一直吵,你看看吧,这就是我得忍受的。)

Well, you put up with the danger and bad conditions because you need to feed your family. (因为你得养家糊口,所以你得接受危险、恶劣的工作环境。)

I can't put up with much more of this. (我无法再忍受这一切了。)


2. tolerate :

备注: ''tolerate'' ''put up with'' 更正式。


She seems to be able to tolerate any kind of behavior from the students. (学生们表现得再坏,她似乎都能接受。)

For years, the workers have had to tolerate low wages and terrible working conditions. (多年来,工人们要忍受低工资和十分恶劣的工作环境。)

If you can tolerate the side-effects, HRT can help the symptoms enormously. (如果你能受得了激素的副作用,激素替代疗法对改善病症很有帮助。)

补充 intolerable: adj. 无法忍受的

Living conditions at the camp were intolerable. (营地的住宿条件差到让人无法忍受。)

Passengers faced intolerable delays due to the bad weather conditions. (因为恶劣天气,班机延误非常久。)


3. can stand : to accept or be forced to accept an unpleasant situation


Don't bring me your problems, I've already got as much trouble as I can stand. (你的麻烦事别找我解决,我自己已经够多麻烦的了。)

There are cats in every room. I don't know how she can stand it. (每个房间都有猫,我不知道她怎么受得了。)

How can you stand her friends? (你怎么能接受她那帮朋友?)

I can only stand so much of your nonsense. (你的无知我受够了。)(言外之意:别再这么无知了。)

can stand doing/to do something

I don't think I'll be able to stand sharing an office with her. (我觉得我没法儿跟她在一个办公室办公。)

Can you stand waiting for a few more minutes?=Can you stand to wait for a few more minutes? (你能再等等吗?)

stand another hour/minute/moment etc.

Can you stand another minute of this awful music? Shall I turn it off? (这恶心的音乐你还能听得下去吗?我要不要关了?)


His behavior is more than I could stand . (我无法忍受他的行为。)

She couldn't stand the pain. (她受不了这疼痛。)

I couldn't stand the thought/idea of having to move again. (我受不了再搬家了。)


4. bear : to accept pain or an unpleasant situation that makes you angry, sad, or upset


My leg really hurts - I'm not sure how much longer I can bear it. (我腿好疼,我不知道我还能忍受多久。)

How can you bear to see him again after the way he has treated you? (他那样对你,你还要再见他?)

The trial was a great scandal but she bore it all with courage and dignity. (这个审判对她名声影响很大,但她勇敢地、有尊严地面对审判。)

be hard to bear

Her loneliness was hard to bear after her husband died. (她丈夫死后,她寂寞难耐。)


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