
2014-11-14 15:00阿卡索英语


1. forget : to no longer remember information, something that happened in the past, or something that you must do

I'm sorry; I've forgotten your name. (对不起,我忘了你的名字。)

It was an experience she would never forget. (这是一段令她永远难忘的经历。)

It's his birthday tomorrow. I hope you haven't forgotten. (明天是他生日,但愿你还记得。)

forget what/where/how etc

She forgot where she'd left her keys. (她忘了把钥匙落在哪里了。)

forget (that)

I keep forgetting that you're allergic to chocolate. (我老是忘记你对巧克力过敏。)

forget to do something

Don't forget to call your mom tomorrow. (明天别忘了给你妈妈打电话。)

forget about

Tom had forgotten about Tanya coming to stay. (汤姆忘了坦亚要来住的事。)

forget all about something

I forgot all about tomorrow's exam. (我完全忘了明天要考试。)

completely forget

I completely forgot about the meeting. (我完全忘了要开会的事。)

I forget (=I have forgotten) (备注: '' I forget'' 常用于口语中。)

She had this boyfriend - I forget his name - who was an actor. (她有男朋友了,他是个演员。名字我忘了。)


2. don't remember/can't remember : to not be able to remember something that you want to remember


"How did you get home after the party?" "I don't remember." - 派对结束后你怎么回家的? - 忘了。)

I was going to phone you, but I couldn't remember your number. (我打算给你打电话,但我不记得你的号码了。)

Brad doesn't remember much about his mother because she died when he was small. (布莱德已经不太记得他妈妈的事了,因为他妈妈在他小时候就去世了。)

don't/can't remember doing something

Has she got an invitation? I don't remember inviting her. (她有请帖?我不记得有邀请她。)

don't remember/can't remember what/where/how etc

I don't remember exactly what happened. (我不太记得发生什么事了。)

He couldn't remember where he put his coat. (他不记得把外套放哪儿了。)


3. have no recollection of : to not be able to remember something

备注: ''have no recollection of'' 常用于正式的场合。


He claims to have no recollection of the incident. (他说自己不记得那件事了。)

I have no recollection of living in Australia, as my family left for England when I was three years old. (我三岁的时候,我们一家人就搬到英格兰了,所以我对之前住在澳大利亚的情况没什么印象了。)


4. slip your mind : if something that you must do, especially something that is not very important, slips your mind , you forget to do it because you are too busy thinking about other things


"I'm sure we agreed to meet here.'' "Maybe it's just slipped his mind.'' - 我确定我们约了在这见面。 - 他贵人多忘事,可能忘了。)


5. go in one ear and out the other : if details, a piece of information etc go in one ear and out the other , you forget them very quickly because you are not interested or not listening properly


She understands nothing about football so it all goes in one ear and out the other. (她完全不懂足球,所以这些规则她听了左耳进右耳出。)

He was trying to explain the assignment to me but it just went in one ear and out the other. (他想给我解释一下这个任务,但是我听了也记不住。)

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