
2014-11-19 15:46阿卡索英语

1. visit : to go and spend time with someone, especially in their home 拜访


I visit my grandparents at least once a month. (我看望祖父母,每个月至少去一次。)

Paul visited her every day when she was in hospital. (她住院期间,保罗每天都去看她。)

We won't be that far away—you'll be able to come and visit. (我们住得也不是那么远,你还是可以来我们家。)


2. go to see/go and see : to visit someone 看望

备注: ''go to see/go and see'' 常用于口语中。

In everyday English, people often say that they ''come/go to see'' someone, rather than ''visit'' them. (日常英语中,表示“去看望某人”时, ''come/go to see'' ''visit'' 更常用。)


He's gone to Scotland to see his family. (他打算去苏格兰看望家里人。)

I'm going to see my brother and his family tomorrow. (我明天要去我哥哥家看望他们一家人。)

Better go and see your father tonight. (你最好今晚就去看看你爸。)

Why don't you go and see your mother? (你为什么不去看看你妈?)

go see (备注: ''go see'' 常用于美式英语的口语中。)

You really should go see Mattie some time. (你真该找个时间去看看马蒂。)


3. go over/go around/go round : to visit someone at their house, especially if they live close to you 去某人家里拜访(尤其指住的近的人家)


I saw your Mum today, and I promised that we'd go round later. (我今天看见你妈了,我说我们稍后一起去她家看她。)

go over/go around/go round to

Let's get a bottle of wine and go over to Simon's place. (我们买瓶酒去西蒙家看他吧。)


4. come over/come around/come round : if someone comes over or comes round , they visit you at your house, especially if they live close to you (某人)来你家看你(尤其指住的近的人)


I'll come over at about 7 o'clock. (我七点左右到你家来。)

Why don't you come round later and we'll discuss it over dinner? (你要不回头来我家,我们吃饭时边吃边谈。)


5. pay a visit : to visit someone, especially for a particular reason 因某事而拜访某人


pay a visit to somebody

Your hand looks very swollen. I think you should pay a visit to the doctor. (你的手肿的很厉害,我觉得你最好去看看医生。)

pay somebody a visit

Isn't it time you paid your mother a visit? (你到时间要去看望你妈了吧?)


6. look up : to visit someone that you have not seen for a long time, while you are spending some time in the area where they live 到某地时拜访住在当地、久未谋面的朋友


look somebody up

I'll give you my address so you can look me up whenever you're in London. (我给你我的地址,你将来哪天来伦敦,就可以来我家看我。)

Don't forget to look me up when you come to Atlanta. (来亚特兰大时别忘了来我家看我。)

look up somebody

I looked up a few old friends while I was in Birmingham. (我在伯明翰的时候,去看了一些老朋友。)


7. descend on/upon : if a lot of people, especially members of your family, descend on you, all of them suddenly visit you at the same time and may not be welcome (主人并不欢迎的情况下)一群人突然造访


Sorry for just descending on you like this, Pam—we had nowhere else to stay. (帕姆,不好意思这样贸然来访,我们无处可去了才来的。)

The following week all my family descended upon me. (第二周我全家人都到我家来了。)

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