
2014-09-17 15:12阿卡索英语

1. Now I remember a lot of stories from back in the days before I met your mother, but there's one story I don't remember. Uncle Marshall still refers to it as the ''pineapple incident''.


refers to (something or someone) as (something): to call (something or someone) by (a specified name or title) 把……叫做……


The victim was referred to only as ''John Doe''. (他们只用“某君”指代被害人。)

At one time, people referred to the city as the Paris of the East. (这个城市一度被称为“东方巴黎”。)

She teaches what her students refer to as ''the sex course'', or ''sex education''. (她教的那门课,学生们称作“性教育课”。)


2. Bartender: On the house .



on the house: without charge, especially used when the meals or drinks are provided free by the owner of the bar or restaurant


The drinks are on the house. (饮料免费。)


3. Carl: It's my own concoction . I call it the Red Dragon.



concoction: something, especially a drink or food, made by mixing different things together 调酒 / 调制食物


He sipped the concoction cautiously. (他十分谨慎地啜了一小口特调酒。)

Would you like to try my new concoction? (你想试试我新调的酒吗?)

大家还记得 S01E09 中:

Barney: The Thanks-tini. A fun and delicious new novelty drink I invented. Cranberry juice, potato vodka and a bouillon cube.

虽然 Barney 的酒也是各种配料混起来的,但 novelty 的意思是 ''something new and unusual'' Barney 这句话突出“创新”。

''concoction'' 突出了“调酒”。


4. Marshall: OK, I know that you've all dismissed this theory before, but is there any chance that Carl is a vampire?



(1) dismiss: to decide not to think about or consider (something or someone) 不考虑,不理会


We can't completely dismiss the possibility that she's right. (她有可能是对的。)

I don't think we should dismiss the matter lightly. (这个问题要慎重考虑。)

(2) chance: the possibility that something will happen 可能性


There's a chance that she left her keys in the office. (她可能把钥匙落在办公室了。)

There's a good chance that we will finish on time. (我们很有可能按时完成。)


There's still a slim chance that we can win. (我们还有一点点赢的希望。)

There's an outside chance that something could go wrong. (出错的可能性很小。)


Chances are (= It is very likely that) she has already heard the news. (她很有可能已经听说了这个消息。)

There's a 50 percent chance of rain this afternoon. (今天下午有可能下雨,有可能不下雨,说不准。)

With the operation, he'll have a fifty-fifty chance of walking again. (手术后,他有 50% 的几率可以恢复行走能力。)


5. Robin: He's not a billionaire. He's a hundred millionaire. Why do people always round up ?



round : v. to increase or decrease a number to the nearest whole or round number 四舍五入,凑整数

备注: ''round number'' 指的是把某一数字就近整成以 ''0'' ''5'' 结尾的数字。


He rounded 10.6 (up) to 11 and 10.3 (down) to ten. 10.6 整成 11,10.3 整成 10 。)

You can round off the amounts to the nearest dollar. (把总额就近化整。)


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