
2014-10-23 15:18阿卡索英语

1. better :


She wants a better job. (她想要份更好的工作。)

We could either go to Florida or California—which do you think is better? (我们可以去佛罗里达,也可以去加利福尼亚,你觉得哪个更好?)

better than 比……好

Your job is better than mine. (你的工作比我的好。)

My sister is a better student than me. (姐姐的学习比我好。)

The sales figures were better than we expected. (销售情况比我们预期的要好。)

better at something/doing something 更擅长做某事

Lucy's better at French than I am. (露西的法语比我好。)

Tom's better at playing basketball than I am. (汤姆的篮球打得比我好。)

far better/much better/a lot better 比……好得多

His latest novel is far better than anything he's written before. (他最新的这部小说比他过去的作品好得多。)

better quality 更佳的质量

Consumers are demanding lower prices, better quality, and a larger selection of goods. (消费者都想要价格更低、质量更好、选择更多。)


2. superior : products, skills, or services that are superior are better than those that they are competing against


a superior product (更好的产品)

German cars are far superior. (德国车质量好得多。)

Our aim is to provide our clients with a superior service at all times. (我们的目标是,时刻给我们的顾客提供更好的服务。)

superior to

He thinks men are superior to women. (他认为男人比女人强。)

They claimed that a vegetarian diet was superior to a meat diet. (他们说素食比肉食好。)


''superior'' 的反义词 ''inferior'': of a lower quality than something else, or less good at doing something than someone else


Consumers are tired of paying a high price for what is an increasingly inferior service. (消费者受够了为越来越差的服务花高价买单。)

California oil is a heavier and inferior grade of oil, compared with other crude oils. (与其他产地的原油相比,加利福尼亚原油密度更大,质量更差。)

White bread is generally inferior in nutritional value. (大部分白吐司营养价值不高。)

Their furniture is certainly cheaper, but it's of inferior quality. (毫无疑问,他们家家具更便宜,但是质量不如别家。)

inferior to

Old Mr Carter was convinced that women doctors were inferior to men. (卡特老先生相信女医生不如男医生。)


3. of a higher standard/of higher quality : goods or services that are of a higher standard or higher quality are better than they were previously or better than goods or services of a similar kind

备注: ''of a higher standard/of higher quality'' 常用于书面语中。


In the mid-eighties, American consumers began to purchase more and more Japanese products, believing they were better value and of higher quality. (从 80 年代中期开始,越来越多的美国消费者开始买日本货,觉得日货更物美价廉。)

of a higher standard/of higher quality than

Government officials are claiming that the health care available here is of a much higher standard than in neighboring countries. (政府官员称,我国的医疗服务比邻国好得多。)


4. beat : to be much better and more enjoyable than something else

备注: ''beat'' 是非正式的用法。


Jack's home-made burgers beat anything you can get at fast-food restaurants. (杰克自己做的汉堡比快餐店卖的汉堡更好吃。)

beat doing something

It's not a particularly good job, but it certainly beats being unemployed. (这不是个特好的工作,但聊胜于无。)

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