
2014-10-29 12:45阿卡索英语

(上接 第二部分

1. Marshall: Honey, Ted has been going out of his mind waiting for this.   (亲爱的,泰德等这个等得望眼欲穿了。)


''go out of one's mind'' 的用法:

''out of one's mind'' 这个词组最常见的意思是“发疯”,如:

What a ridiculous idea! You must be out of your mind to believe that. (你真是疯了才会相信这么荒诞的想法!)

I feel like I'm going out of my mind.

=I feel like I'm losing my mind.

(=I feel like I'm going crazy.) (我觉得我要疯了。)


I was (going) out of my mind with worry. (=I was extremely worried.) (我实在太担心了。)

I was bored out of my mind. (=I was very bored.) (我实在太无聊了。)

She was frightened out of her mind. (=She was extremely frightened.) (她真吓坏了。)

再如剧中这句话: ''going out of his mind'' 用来形容 ''Ted has been waiting for this.'' 的程度有多强烈,这里的 ''going'' 也可以省略。


2. Robin: I'll have a Johnny Walker Blue, neat , and a Montecristo No. 2. Thanks. (我要一杯尊尼获加蓝,不加冰,再来一支蒙特克里斯托 2 号,谢谢。)


neat: adj. a neat alcoholic drink has no ice or water or any other liquid added 酒不加冰、不加水

备注:英式英语中常用 ''neat'' ,美式英语中常用 ''straight''


I can't drink brandy neat. (我不喝纯的白兰地。)

I like my bourbon neat. (我喜欢喝纯的波本酒。)

a neat/straight whiskey (一杯纯的威士忌)


3. Robin: I know... I was this close to being a huge slut. (我知道……我曾经离荡妇就差那么一丁点儿。)


close to: seeming very likely to happen or very likely to do something soon 即将发生某事

备注:这里的 ''to'' 是介词。


close to doing something

The two countries are close to signing a peace agreement. (两国即将签署和平协议。)

We're close to clinching the deal. (我们即将签约。)


4. Barney: Slut would have been better, but I'll settle for bro.  (如果是荡妇就更好了,不过我要一个哥们就行。)


settle for something: to accept something even though it is not the best, or not what you really want 凑合接受某事物(尽管它不是太好)


They want $2,500 for it, but they might settle for $2,000. (他们出价 $2,500 ,但是可能 $2,000 也会卖。)

Neither team would settle for a tie score. (两队都不能接受平局。)

He asked his parents if he could borrow $20 but settled for $10. (他想向爸妈借 $20 ,但是借 $10 也可以。)

I'm determined to win the championship and I won't settle for less. (我志在夺冠,其他不要。)


5. Barney: What up! Freeze-frame high five! (漂亮!镜头定格式击掌!)


freeze-frame: n. a still, unchanging picture produced in a movie or video 定格


Press the freeze-frame button. (按下暂停键定格。)

The movie ended with a freeze-frame of the child waving at his mother. (电影最后定格在这个小男孩跟母亲挥手的镜头。)

The VCR allows you to fast-forward, reverse or put the picture in freeze-frame. VCR 可以快进、可以倒带,也可以定格画面。)

补充:剧中的 ''freeze-frame'' 用来修饰后面的 ''high five'' (定格式的击掌)。


6. Victoria: I think this may be a perfect moment. I wish we could hold on to it forever. (我觉得这真是个完美的时刻。真希望我们能永远停留在这一刻。)


hold on to somebody/something: to keep something rather than losing it, selling it, or giving it to someone else 保有,停留


I think I'll hold on to these old records for now. (我想我短时间内不会把这些旧磁带扔掉。)

Despite all his troubles, he has somehow held on to his faith in himself. (虽然遇到很多麻烦,他仍然很有自信。)

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