
2018-06-12 17:17阿卡索英语



experience (经验)


Undergo or deal first-hand experience、accumulation of knowledge、Experience is wealth、Experience is a helmsman guiding our voyage、Other people’s experience can be of help(它山之石可以攻玉)、The proof of the pudding is in the eating(事物的好坏需要经过实践检验)等等都可用到关于“经验”的写作中。


Experience refers to the accumulation of knowledge or skill that result from direct participation in events or activities. Our experience is a wealth that can enrich our life. When we enjoy modern educational facilities and indulge in the prestigious academic atmosphere, we can harvest valuable educational experience. When we undergo the training of expertise experience serve as an enlightenment brightening our career path.


2009 年11 月 1 日大陆托福考试的一道题目:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Does advice given by older people

more valuable than from people your age?


Advice is better obtained from people who are older than you, such as parents, teachers and supervisors.

论点 1:

A loving parent gives you much needed advice.

They can help you choose suitable friends.

They can discover your potential talents.

论点 2:

An effective teacher is a good source of advice.

They help you solve academic problems.

They give guidance for your future careers.

论点 3:

A good supervisor can be relied on for advice.

Their suggestions help you develop work skills.

They teach you how to manage relationships.


Older people’s advice is more valuable because they are more knowledgeable, experienced

and mature.

