
2014-08-30 15:27阿卡索英语





1. in the future:


What do you think life in the future will be like? (你认为将来的生活会是怎样的呢?)


1in the near future:近期内

The new software will be available in the UK in the near future.(这个新软件近期内就会在英国上市。)

2in/ for the foreseeable future:近期内

It is unlikely that the company will achieve a very high profit margin in the foreseeable future.(该公司在近期内不太可能获得高额盈利。)


2. some time: 将来的某个时候,有的语境下可以翻译成“改天”或“什么时候”


Come over and see us some time.(改天来看我们。)

We should get together some time.(我们改天/什么时候一定要聚聚。)

The project should be completed some time next year.(该工程明年就该完工了。)


3. one day/ some day: 将来的某个时候,尤指很久以后


One day, I'd like to visit the Grand Canyon.(将来我想去大峡谷玩玩。)

She always knew that some day he would leave her.(她心里有数,他将来会离开她。)


4. one of these days: 总有一天


One of these days you're going to be sorry.(总有一天你会后悔的。)

Richard is going to have a heart attack one of these days if he doesn't slow down.(理查要是工作一直那么忙,总有一天要得心脏病的。)


5. The day will come (when)...:强调将来一定会发生某事


The day will finally come when a woman or a black man is elected president of the United States.(将来,一定会有女性或黑人当选美国总统。)





1. an hour/ 10 years/ 2 weeks, etc. from now:一小时后,十年后,两周后……某段时间后


There may be no rainforest left 30 years from now.30年后,可能就没有热带雨林了。)

A couple of months from now, you'll probably have forgotten all about him.(几个月后你可能就已经完全忘了他。)


2. then: 到时候(指刚才提到过的那个时间点)


I should be finished with work by noon. Would you like to get together then? (我中午前能做完。我们中午再聚好吗?)

They're sending the results next week, so I won't know anything until then.(下周结果才会寄来,我要到下周才知道结果。)

Tell him he has two weeks to finish the job. If he's not finished by then, he's fired.(告诉他,他有两周时间,如果到时候他还没完工,直接走人!)


3. 6 months/ 4 days/ a week, etc. away off:六个月后,四天后,一周后……一段时间后


The next general elections are still two year away.(离下届大选还有两年。)

The exams are still a few weeks off; you've got plenty of time to prepare for them.(离考试还有几周时间,你有很多时间复习。)


4. come July/summer/next year, etc.: say this when something will happen at a particular time in the future到七月、到夏天、到明年……到某个时间就会发生某事



Come Monday, we'll be in our new house.(周一,我们就住进新家啦!)

A mild winter is nice, but it means that come summer you're going to have a bug problem.(暖冬固然好,但暖冬意味着夏天虫子多。)
