
2014-08-30 15:35阿卡索英语



1. date:(美式英语)to be having a relationship with someone, especially a relationship that is not very serious yet男女之间的约会,尤其指还没确定关系的情况。


How long have Paul and Sue been dating? (保罗和苏处了多久了?)

I thought we were just friends, but when I started dating other men, he suddenly got really jealous.(我以为我们只是朋友,但我一开始跟其他人约会,他就醋意大发。)


2. be seeing: to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone, especially a relationship that is not very serious and does not last very long 两人之间发展亲密关系,但双方不打算认真对待也不会长久维持的关系,一般都叫做''be seeing somebody''


Do you know if she's seeing anyone at the moment? (你知道她现在有跟谁在交往吗?)

A couple of years after they got married, he started seeing other women.(婚后几年,他就开始有外遇了。)


3. have a relationship: to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone, especially one that continues for a long time 谈恋爱,尤指持续时间较长的


I have had several relationships before, but this is special.(我谈过几次恋爱,但这次感觉不一样。)

They'd been having a relationship for over a year when Julie found out she was pregnant.(朱莉发现自己怀孕了,此时他俩已经在一起一年多了。)


4. go out with: to have someone as your girlfriend or boyfriend“作为男女朋友”式的谈恋爱


How long have you been going out with Mindy? (你和Mindy恋爱多久了?)

Is she still going out with that guy who works at the gas station? (她还跟加油站那小子谈恋爱吗?)

Mark and I have been going out together for four years.(我和马克谈了4年恋爱了。)


5. have an affair: to have a secret sexual relationship with someone who is not your husband or wife搞地下情,外遇


He had an affair with his boss that lasted six years.(他和上司搞了6年的地下情。)

I'd kill my husband if I found out he'd been having an affair.(如果发现我老公有外遇,我会杀了他。)


6. be involved with: to be having a serious relationship with someone, especially someone who is not suitable for you和某人在一起(尤指这个人道德上或年龄上并不适合你)


She's involved with a much older man.(她跟一个年龄比她大很多的人在一起。)

The school has strict rules against teachers becoming involved with students.(学校有严格规定,不准学生和老师有感情瓜葛。)

Brad doesn't want to get involved with anyone right now. He's still upset about Lily.(布拉德现在不想跟任何人认真恋爱,对莉莉的事他还耿耿于怀。)

I mean, this is twisted! How could you get involved with a woman like this? (我觉得,这太变态了!你怎么能跟这种女人交往?)




Dr. Franzblau: So, uh, tell me, are you currently involved with anyone?


前面介绍了6中“谈恋爱”的说法,有的是指刚开始见面约会(date, be seeing)、有的是指稳定的关系(have a relationship, go out with)、有的是指外遇(have an affair),这几种都不适合“搭讪”,所以医生果断地用了''be involved with''
