“支持”英文怎么说 (第一部分)

2014-09-16 12:34阿卡索英语



1. support : to give help, encouragement, money etc. to someone because you want them to succeed


The rebels were supported by a number of foreign governments who provided arms and money. (一些外国政府出钱出武器支持这些叛乱分子。)

Employers support the training program by offering places for young people. (雇主们支持这个培训计划,他们为年轻人提供场地。)

I have always supported the Democrats. (我向来支持民主党。)


2. back : to support a person or plan by providing money or practical help - use this especially to talk about governments or other powerful groups that support something

备注:这里的 ''back'' 做动词使用。


I am backing him in his struggle for reform. (我支持他的改革之路。)

I am backing him for President. (我支持他当总统。)

Several major insurance companies have agreed to back the health care reforms. (一些大的保险公司表示支持医改。)

The plans for a new shopping mall are backed by the city council. (市议委支持盖新商场的计划。)


3. in support of : if you do something in support of someone or something, you do it to show that you support them


The miners came out on strike in support of the drivers. (矿工罢工,以支持司机罢工。)

a big demonstration in support of democratic reforms (支持民主改革的大游行)

The band is touring in support of their latest album. (乐队为宣传新唱片,正在巡回演出。)


4. be behind : to support and encourage someone in what they are trying to achieve


My parents were behind me from the start, and bought me my first violin when I was just 3 years old. (我的父母一直支持我,我 3 岁时他们就给我买了我人生中的第一把小提琴。)

May struggled for years trying to make it as an artist, and her husband, Rudy, was always behind her. (多年来,梅一直努力想成为一个艺术家,她丈夫鲁迪也一直支持她。)

be behind somebody all the way (= be ready to continue supporting them until they succeed)

Just do your best and remember that we are behind you all the way. (你只要尽全力就好,记住,我们永远会支持你。)

看个《老友记》中 S01E09 的例子:

情境: Ross 不相信婴儿在妈妈肚子里时能听见别人说话。 Phoebe Ross 做个实验,看看是什么。

Phoebe: I can show you. Look, this will seem a little weird, but you put your head inside this turkey, and then we'll all talk, and you'll hear everything we say.

Chandler: I'd just like to say that I'm totally behind this experiment . In fact, I'd very much like to butter your head.


Phoebe :我可以向你证明可以听见。这个实验听起来有点诡异。你把头塞进这个火鸡肚子里,然后我们说话,你可以听见我们说的所有话。

Chandler :我只想说,我完全支持这个实验。老实说,我更想给你头上涂黄油。


5. throw your weight behind : to use all your influence and ability to make sure a person, group, or plan is successful


Faced with a crisis, the Party united and threw its full weight behind the President. (面对危机,全党紧密团结,全力支持总统。)

Please throw your full weight behind us in our fund raising effort. (请全力支持我们的募捐。)

Several senators threw their weight behind the bill. (一些议员全力支持该法案。)

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