
2014-09-26 11:44阿卡索英语



1. horrible/disgusting/revolting/vile: very bad - use this especially to talk about things that taste, smell, or look really bad


The food looked horrible, but it tasted OK.(这东西看起来恶心,吃起来还行。)

What a horrible smell!(好臭啊!)

It was the most disgusting meal I've ever eaten.(这是我吃过的最难吃的一顿饭。)

I had to take two spoons of some disgusting medicine. (我得喝两勺苦药。)

He smiled showing his teeth, which were a revolting yellow color.(他笑着,露出恶心的黄牙。)

Dick had cooked a special stew, which looked and smelled revolting.(迪克做了一个色香都很差的特色炖菜。)

The stench in the room was revolting.(房间里味道很恶心。)

This coffee tastes really vile.(这咖啡味道真恶心。)


2. unpleasant: tasting or smelling horrible


Uncooked potatoes taste unpleasant and can be harmful.(生土豆很难吃而且有毒。)

Some animals give off an unpleasant odor that deters attackers.(有些动物散发出臭气赶走敌人。)


3. foul: a foul smell or taste is extremely bad, and is caused especially by waste or things decaying


There was a foul smell coming up from the river.(河里有股恶臭传上来。)

He woke up with a foul taste in his mouth.(他早上起来,嘴里味道很恶心。)

He put down his mug of foul-tasting coffee.(他放下那杯味道很恶心的咖啡。)


4. gross: very unpleasant - use this to talk about food, smells, or behavior that you dislike very much



Ooh, gross! I hate spinach!(啊好恶心!我讨厌吃菠菜。)

Brad threw up on the floor at the party. It was really gross.(布拉德在派对上吐了,好恶心。)


5. not very nice: a taste or smell that is not very nice or not very good is slightly unpleasant

备注:或者作''not very good/not too good''


This cheese isn't very good. How long have we had it?(这芝士味道有点恶心,这买了多久了?)

The first time I smoked a cigarette it didn't taste very nice.(我第一次吸烟时,觉得烟味有点恶心。)

I wouldn't cook that if I were you. It doesn't smell too good.(我要是你,我就不煮这道菜,这道菜闻起来可不怎么样。)


6. nasty: tasting or smelling very strong and unpleasant


I'm not very keen on this wine. It has a nasty aftertaste.(我不太喜欢这个酒,这酒回味很不好。)

Cheap perfume often smells nasty after a couple of hours.(便宜的香水喷上几小时后通常很不好闻。)

Cheap wine sometimes leaves a nasty taste in your mouth.(喝完便宜的酒,有时回味不好。)


7. nauseating: horrible and making you feel that you are going to vomit - used especially about a smell


the nauseating smell of rotting fish(臭鱼那令人作呕的恶心味)


8. unappetizing: a meal or food that is unappetizing has an unpleasant appearance or smell and does not make you want to eat it


The soup was cold and unappetizing, but it was all there was.(汤又冷又令人没食欲,但那会儿也只有这个汤可吃。)

The main course was an unappetizing leg of chicken with boiled potatoes.(主菜是一个令人很没食欲的鸡腿和煮土豆。)




