
2014-09-26 11:43阿卡索英语



1. horrible: behaving in a very rude, unkind, or annoying way


Her husband was a horrible man - lazy, and always drunk.(她丈夫很可怕,又懒又经常喝醉酒。)

I really don't like her at all - she's horrible!(我真的一点都不喜欢她,她很讨厌啊!)

be horrible to somebody

I think I'll go out if you're just going to be horrible to me.(如果你对我凶,我就走。)


2. unpleasant: rude or unfriendly in the way you talk to people or answer their questions


That man in the grocery store is always so unpleasant.(超市的那个人很不友善。)

Did she really say that? What an unpleasant person!(她真的那么说?真粗鲁!)

be unpleasant to somebody

You shouldn't have been so unpleasant to her - she was only trying to help.(你不应该对她那么凶,她就是想帮忙。)


3. nasty: someone who is nasty has a very unpleasant character and is often unkind to people


I'd avoid him if I were you. He can be quite nasty.(如果我是你,我就避开他。他很让人讨厌。)

My first boss was a really nasty person, who seemed to enjoy making life difficult for everyone.(我第一个老板很让人讨厌,他总喜欢跟别人为难。)

be nasty to/towards somebody

Some of the older boys were being very nasty to him.(有些年龄稍长的男孩对他非常粗暴。)


4. mean: rude and unkind in the way you treat people



We soon found out that our new teacher could be real mean.(我们很快发现这个新老师非常尖酸。)

be mean to somebody

Sharon and the others were really mean to me at school today.(今天在学校,雪伦她们对我非常刻薄。)


5. not very nice: unkind or unfriendly - use this especially about things people say to each other


They just told us to shut up, which wasn't very nice.(他们让我们闭嘴,这太粗暴了。)

not very nice of somebody

It wasn't very nice of him to have a party without inviting me.(他开派对没叫我,太不够朋友了。)


6. obnoxious: rude and offensive, especially deliberately


I'd hate to be her secretary - she's so obnoxious.(我不想做她的秘书,她很粗暴。)

You're behaving like a spoiled obnoxious child.(你现在就像个宠坏了的没礼貌的小孩。)

I'd never have employed him if I'd realized what an obnoxious person he was.(如果早知道他是个这么无礼的人,我就不会用他。)


7. creep: n. someone who you dislike because they are unpleasant and behave in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable



Get out of here you little creep! You make me sick!(快走开你这个讨厌鬼,我看见你就想吐!)

He didn't say that, did he? What a creep!(他没这么说吧!这个讨厌鬼!)


8. nasty piece of work: someone who is very unpleasant and is likely to behave in a cruel or violent way


Tom and Jerry went round in a gang with Don, who was a nasty piece of work.(汤姆和杰瑞经常跟唐混在一起,那个唐就是个人渣。)

"Why would anyone want to kill Howard, do you think?" "It's obvious. He was a nasty piece of work."

-为什么人人都想杀了哈瓦? -很明显,因为他是个很残暴的人。)




