
2014-10-08 11:33阿卡索英语


1. immediately:


I'll call you immediately we hear any news about the baby.(一有这个婴儿的消息,我马上就会打电话给你。)

Immediately you fill out this form, we can start processing your request.(你一填好这个表格,我们马上可以开始处理。)

Immediately you begin to speak, he gives you his full attention.(你一开始讲话,他就全神贯注倾听。)

immediately after/afterwards

We'll have to leave immediately after the meeting.(会一开完,我们得马上走。)


2. as soon as/the moment (that): immediately after something has happened or immediately after you have done something


As soon as Stephen felt well again, he returned to work.(史蒂芬身体一好就马上回到工作岗位上。)

Please give me a call as soon as you get there.(你一到那里就给我来个电话吧!)

I will pay you back, I promise, the moment I get paid.(我发誓,我会还钱的,一发工资我就还你。)

Honey, I swear, I'll phone you the moment I get to New York.(我发誓,亲爱的,一到纽约我就会给你打电话。)


3. no sooner...than: immediately after something has happened or someone has done something - use this especially in stories or in descriptions of events



no sooner had...than

No sooner had they sat down to eat than the phone rang.(他们刚坐下吃饭,电话就响了。)

No sooner did I walk through the door than the phone rang.

=I had no sooner walked through the door when the phone rang.

=The phone rang immediately after I walked through the door.


No sooner had he arrived in the city than his wallet was stolen.(他一到这个城市,钱包就被偷了。)

no sooner was/were...than

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than she regretted them.(这话一说出口,她就后悔了。)


4. had hardly/barely: immediately after an event or action has finished - use this especially in stories or in descriptions of events

备注:或者作''hardly had''


I had hardly arrived when the telephone rang.(我刚到,电话就响了。)

They had barely set up the tents when it started to rain.(他们刚搭好帐篷就开始下雨了。)

I'd done food shopping and had barely got to the door, when Debbie asked if I'd been listening to the radio.(我买完吃的,刚走到门口,黛比就问我听了广播没有。)


5. outright: if someone is killed outright, they die immediately from an attack or an accident



He was killed outright when his car crashed at high speed.(他的车高速撞上去后,他当场就死了。)


6. the minute:


Please call me the minute you get home.(你一到家就给我打电话。)

I knew the minute I saw it that I had to have this dress.(我一看到这条裙子就知道自己非买下它不可。)


7. lose no time: to do something immediately, as soon as you have the chance to do it


lose no time in doing something

When the new manager was appointed, he lost no time in reorganizing the office.(新经理一上任,就马上重新布置了自己的办公室。)

Max lost no time in setting out for London to find work.(马克思马上就启程去伦敦找工作。)


8. instantly: at almost the same time that something else happens, and happening as a direct result of it


She was killed instantly when her car hit a tree.(她的车一撞倒树上,她马上就死了。)

Sea snakes inject a poison so strong that it kills a fish instantly.(海蛇的毒液强到可以马上毒死一条鱼。)




