
2014-11-13 12:35阿卡索英语

<;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (上接 <;a target="_blank" href="http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/article/?id=483">; 第一部分 <;/a>; ) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 我们来看看“名誉、形象”在英语中还能怎么表达? <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0cm;text-indent:0cm;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1">; <;!--[if !supportLists]-->; <;span lang="EN-US">; 1. <;/span>; <;!--[endif]-->; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US" style="color:red">; stature <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; : a reputation for being very good at something, very important, or very influential that makes people respect you <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 例: <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; At that time there were no other universities in England equal in stature to Oxford and Cambridge. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (那时候,英国没有什么大学能和牛津剑桥比肩。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; stature as <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/b>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; As he got older, Picasso's stature as an artist increased. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (毕加索年纪越大艺术地位也越高。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; of world/international etc. stature <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/b>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; a British architect of international stature <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (一个享有国际盛名的英国建筑师) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">;   <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0cm;text-indent:0cm;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1">; <;!--[if !supportLists]-->; <;span lang="EN-US">; 2. <;/span>; <;!--[endif]-->; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US" style="color:red">; image <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; : the idea that people have about a well-known person, company, or product - use this especially about an idea that is deliberately created through newspaper stories, advertising etc. <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 例: <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; be bad/good for somebody's image <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/b>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; The President's advisers said it would be bad for his image to be photographed with union leaders. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (总统顾问认为总统被人拍到和工会领导一起会对总统的形象不利。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; improve sb's image <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/b>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; The party is seeking to improve its image. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (该政党努力想让自己的形象变好点。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; project an image <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; (=make an image) <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; The princess tried to project an image of herself as serious and hardworking. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (这位公主想在公众心中树立认真勤奋的形象。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">;   <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0cm;text-indent:0cm;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1">; <;!--[if !supportLists]-->; <;span lang="EN-US">; 3. <;/span>; <;!--[endif]-->; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US" style="color:red">; name <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; : the reputation a person or an organization has because of something they do or because of the quality of what they produce, usually when this is good <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 例: <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; good/bad name <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/b>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; He's a determined man and he values his good name. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (他是个意志坚定的人,人们所言非虚。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; have a name for doing something <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/b>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; This man has a name for making tough business deals. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (这个人出了名的善于处理很难谈妥的生意。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; get a good/bad name <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/b>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; Teenagers tend to get a bad name for being moody. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (青春期的孩子往往因喜怒无常而被认为是坏孩子。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; make a name for oneself <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; (=become known and admired by many people) <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; Marks and Spencer have made a name for themselves as a producer of high quality goods at reasonable prices. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (玛莎百货的商品物美价廉,商场口碑很好。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; give somebody/something a bad name <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; (=to give a group or place a bad reputation by behaving in an unacceptable way) <;b>; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/b>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; Students who are rude and scruffy give the school a bad name. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (那些没礼貌外表邋遢的学生有损学校声誉。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; The regular brawling and violence in the bar had given it a bad name. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (这家酒吧经常有人打架闹事,名声不好。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; He was the type of person that gives insurance salesmen a bad name. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (他作为一个保险推销员,行径恶劣,让同行也跟着丢脸。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">;   <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0cm;text-indent:0cm;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1">; <;!--[if !supportLists]-->; <;span lang="EN-US">; 4. <;/span>; <;!--[endif]-->; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US" style="color:red">; standing <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; : someone's reputation and position in a group or society, based on other peoples' opinion of them <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 例: <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; social/moral/professional etc. standing <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/b>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; The class system in Great Britain encourages people to be very aware of their social standing. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (英国的等级制度使得人们格外在意自己的社会地位。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; This legal case is very likely to damage the company's professional standing. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (这场官司可能会让该公司在专业领域英名尽丧。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; Her work helped to improve her standing with her colleagues. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (她的工作成绩让她在同事中的地位提高了。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; The scandal damaged the governor's standing in the polls. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (丑闻影响到了州长在竞选中的有利形势。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; national/international etc. standing <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/b>; <;/p>; <;p>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; Jacques Tati was a man of international standing in the world of screen comedy. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (在喜剧领域,雅克 <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; · <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 塔蒂享有很高的国际声誉。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>;




