
2014-11-20 12:46阿卡索英语

1. Victoria: Um, I think those need to stay in the oven a while longer. Here's a professional tip. If it's still runny , it's not a cupcake. It's a beverage. (呃,我想它们还要继续在炉子里烤一会儿。告诉你个专业贴士——如果这里面还是稀的,它就不算是纸杯蛋糕,只能算是杯饮料。)


runny: adj.

①感冒时流鼻涕、流眼泪等: a runny nose, runny eyes etc. have liquid coming out of them, usually because you have a cold

②指食物熔化或太稀: food that is runny is not as solid or thick as normal or as desired


The butter had gone runny in the heat. (高温下黄油都熔化了。)

a boiled egg with a runny yolk (煮的溏心蛋)

runny custard (熔化的奶黄酱)



''watery'' ,其意思是 ''food or drink that is watery contains too much water, so that it does not taste or look good'' (食物中含水分太多)


The coffee is horrible—really weak and watery. (这咖啡太难喝了,味道太淡,太稀了。)

All they had to eat for weeks was bread and watery cabbage soup. (他们几周来只能吃面包喝稀菜汤。)



For these crepes you will need a fairly thin batter, so do not add too much flour. (做可丽饼,要用非常稀的面团,所以不要加太多面粉。)


2. Marshall: I don't have another one. I'm flat broke . My only other suit options are track or birthday. (我没有另一套了,我已经穷得叮当响了。我唯一的另一套服装要么是运动服,要么就裸着了。)


broke: adj. having no money or very little money to spend at the moment 穷,没钱

备注: "broke" 常用于非正式的场合。


I'm fed up with being broke all the time. (我受够了一直没钱的日子。)

"Can you lend me some money?" "Sorry, I'm broke." - 你借我点钱好吗?   - 抱歉,我也没钱。)

She's just come back off holiday and she's completely broke. (她度假刚回来,身无分文了。)

We're always broke at the end of the month. (我们总是月光。)

Lawrence was so broke he had to wear the same suit to work every day. (劳伦斯穷到每天穿同一套西装去上班。)

flat broke (=completely broke)

He turned up at my house yesterday, flat broke and hungry. (他昨天来我家,饿着肚子身无分文。)


3. Victoria: What are you guys up to ?   (你们有什么计划?)


up to: doing something secret or something that you should not be doing 

备注: ''up to'' 的这种用法常用于口语中,常指“做坏事或密谋”,当然剧中不是指什么“坏事”。


The children are very quiet. I wonder what they're up to. (孩子们很安静,我想知道他们想干嘛。)

He knew Bailey was up to something. But what? (他知道贝利会整点什么事出来,但他会做什么呢?)

I always suspected that he was up to no good (= doing something bad). (我总觉得他会干坏事。)


4. Victoria: I figured I did n't have much of a chance, 'cause they don't let many Americans in, but... I'm in. (我以为我没什么机会,因为他们不会让很多美国人上,但我上了。)


not much of a...: used to say that someone or something is not very good 表示某人或某物不怎么样


He's not much of a cook. (=he's not a very good cook) (他不是个好厨师。)

It wasn't much of a vacation. (这个假期过得不咋样。)


5. Ted: Maybe we should each take some time to think about what we want. We'll meet up tomorrow to discuss it. (或许我们彼此都应该花点时间想想自己要的是什么。我们明天见面好好谈谈。)


meet up: to meet someone in order to do something together 


We often meet up after work and go for a drink. (我们常常下班后一起去喝东西。)

I've got to go now, but I'll meet up with you later. (我要走了,回头找你。)   

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