从“do the dishes”出发,浅谈“do”的用法

2014-08-30 12:20阿卡索英语

昨晚听《英语口语8000句》,这套教材主要介绍日常生活口语,大多是短句,先讲中文,再念英语。当听到“你能把碗洗了吗?”这句中文时,我脑子里第一反应就是“Can you wash the dishes?”,但后面揭晓的答案却是“Can you do the dishes?”。原来美语地道的表达用“do”来代替具体的动词!
这个用法在美剧中很常见,但让中国人用,可能没那么容易。因为我们习惯了把“do”直接翻译成“做”,比如说“do your homework”(做作业),中英文完全能对上号的,中国人容易理解并能熟练使用。
所以我想趁这个机会,把“do”用来表示“to perform an action or an activity”的用法总结一下,供大家参考。
1.Do your homework before you watch TV.
2.It’s a pleasure doing business with you. 和你做生意很高兴。
3.do a university degree 攻读大学学位
4.do research into French history 研究法国历史
5.He still has to do his military service. 他仍需服兵役。
6.She does aerobics once a week. 她每周跳一次健身操。
7.指日常事务,如打扫卫生、洗洗刷刷、整理家务、修修补补等。do the+n. 或do my+n.
do one’s teeth 刷牙
do the silver 擦光银器
do the flowers 插花
I like the way you’ve done your hair. 我喜欢你梳的发型。
We’ll have someone to do the roof. 我们得找人来修理房顶。
8.指各种各样的行为或动作,do+the/my/some/much etc.+v-ing
do the ironing, do the cooking, do the washing 熨烫衣服、烹调食物、洗洗刷刷
We usually do our shopping at the weekend. 我们一般周末购物。
You do the painting and I’ll do the papering. 你上油漆,我贴壁纸。
She did a lot of acting when she was at university. 她上大学时演过许多剧。
He does some writing in his spare time. 他业余时间写点东西。
Do you do science at school?
do accountancy, do engineering, do law 学会计,学工程,学法律
She did economics at Sheffield University. 她曾在谢菲尔德大学攻读经济学。
Have you done any Shakespeare? 你研究过莎士比亚的作品吗?
10. 表示produce or make,  do+n.
She did five copies of the agenda. 她将议程表复印了5份。
Does this pub do lunches? 这个酒馆供应午餐吗?
Who’s doing the food at the wedding reception? 谁承办婚宴的酒席?
I’ll do a translation for you/do you a translation. 我来为你翻译。

Rachel: Look! I cleaned! I did the windows, I did the floors... I even used all the attachments on the vacuum, except that little round one with the bristles, I don't know what that's for. 擦窗户、扫地
JULIE: I was thinking of doing it a little shorter, you know, like Andy McDowell's new haircut? 我想把头发剪短一点。
CHANDLER: She's got me doing butt clenches at my desk. 她让我在办公桌旁边做提臀运动!






