
2014-09-13 13:12阿卡索英语

前两讲 ,讲了些“出乎意料”的表达法,这一讲来讲讲“意料之中”、“如我们所料”英语怎么表达。


1. as expected : if something happens as expected, it happens exactly in the way that people expected it to happen


Tickets have been selling as well as expected. (票果然卖得很好。)

As expected, the three men were sentenced to life imprisonment. (这三个人果然都被判了终生监禁。)

Tulsa beat New Mexico as expected in last night's game. (在昨晚的比赛中,塔尔萨队果然打败了新墨西哥队。)

as was/had been expected

Yesterday, as had been expected, the government announced its intention to launch a public inquiry. (昨天,政府果然宣布要进行公开调查。)


2. be no surprise/come as no surprise : if something that happens is no surprise or comes as no surprise, it is exactly as you expected, so you are not surprised by it


After a series of scandals, Tom's resignation comes as no surprise. (在曝出一系列丑闻后,汤姆辞职是意料中的事。)

be no surprise/come as no surprise to somebody

Tina was shocked when she heard she was not being promoted, but it came as no surprise to the rest of us. (缇娜没升职成功,自己很震惊,但我们一点儿也不感到意外。)

it is/comes as no surprise that...

It's no surprise that Jeff and his wife are getting divorced. (杰夫离婚这事在我们意料之中。)

be no surprise/come as no surprise to hear/discover/find etc.

It was no surprise to hear that Joe had messed the whole thing up again. (听说乔又把整件事搞砸了,我一点儿也不感到意外。)


3. predictable : happening as you expect - use this especially about someone's behaviour, when you think they are boring or stupid because they always do exactly what you expect


My dad's so predictable - every evening he comes home, has two beers, and falls asleep in front of the TV. (爸爸晚上回家后就干这么几件事,猜也能猜到:喝两杯啤酒,然后坐着看电视看到睡着。)

The movie was completely predictable - I couldn't wait for it to end. (电影太无趣都能猜到结局了,我简直没耐心看完。)


4. be only to be expected : if something, especially something bad or unpleasant, is only to be expected , it is what you should expect in that situation, and you are not surprised


After all this rain, some flooding is only to be expected. (几场大雨过后,发发洪水也很正常。)

A few mistakes were only to be expected when you're cooking something for the first time. (第一次下厨,出点错也很正常。)

it is only to be expected that...

When you're over 60, it's only to be expected that you can't do as much as you used to. (当你 60 多岁的时候,能力不如从前也很正常。)


5. be par for the course : to be what you would normally expect to happen in a particular situation


If you want to be a politician, a little criticism is par for the course. (想成为政治家,听到批评声是家常便饭。)

It seems in some of those countries that political torture and assassination are par for the course. (似乎在那些国家,政治迫害和刺杀行动屡见不鲜。)

Long hours and tough working conditions are often par for the course in catering. (餐饮业,长时间在恶劣条件下工作乃是稀松平常。)

It's par for the course that she is late to the meeting. (她开会迟到是常事。)


6. I'm not surprised : say this when something happens that you expected to happen



I'm not surprised she left him - look at the way he treated her! (她离开他,我一点也不感到意外,瞧瞧他是怎么对她的!)

Of course I'm disappointed that we lost, but I'm not really surprised. (我们输了我当然失望啦,但败北也是意料中的事。)




