
2014-09-25 12:08阿卡索英语

1. immediately : quickly and without any delay


If your baby has a fever you should call the doctor immediately. (孩子要是发烧,你应该马上给医生打电话。)

When mother saw my face, she knew immediately that something was wrong. (妈妈一看我的脸上,马上就知道出事了。)

Knowing the case was urgent, I replied to her lawyer's email immediately. (知道事态紧急,我马上给她的律师回了电邮。)


2. at once/right away : if you do something at once, right away, or straightaway, you do it immediately, especially because it is urgent

备注:英式英语中常作 ''straightaway''


The principal wants to see you at once. (校长现在就要见你。)

Now, go upstairs at once and clean your room. (现在马上上楼收拾自己的房间。)

When I saw him, I recognized him at once. (我一看到他就马上认出他了。)

We're in love and we want to get married right away. (我们在热恋中,想马上结婚。)

I'll phone him right away. (我马上就打电话给他。)

You said it was important so I came straightaway. (你说有重要的事情,所以我马上就过来了。)

We need to start working straightaway. (我们得马上开始干。)


3. this minute/right now : if someone in authority orders you to do something this minute  or right now, they want you to do it immediately, and they are usually annoyed with you (通常用于恼火时)

备注: ''this minute/right now'' 常用于口语中。


Katie, put that down this minute, or you'll go straight to bed. (凯特,马上把那个放下,要不现在就去睡觉!)

Johnny, get inside! This minute! (约翰,进去!马上进去!)

Stop it this minute! (马上给我住手!)

I have to have the report this minute. (这份报告我现在就要。)

You don't have to tell me right this minute. (你不用马上告诉我。)

Tell Mike that I want to see him in my office, right now. (告诉迈克现在即刻来我办公室。)

Please clean up this mess right now. (请马上把这里打扫干净。)

We need to deal with the problem right now. (我们需要马上处理一下这个问题。)

Do you need me right now? (你马上就要我过去吗?)


4. without delay : if you do something without delay, you do it immediately and without wasting any time, especially because it is important to do it as soon as possible (因为很重要所以要尽早做)

备注: ''without delay'' 是正式的用法。


If you lose your passport, you should contact the embassy without delay. (如果丢了护照,要马上跟大使馆取得联系。)

The crew and passengers were keen to get airborne without further delay. (机组人员和乘客强烈希望不要再延迟,马上起飞。)

They must restore normal services without delay. (他们必须马上回归正常的服务。)

The roof must be repaired without delay. (屋顶必须马上进行维修。)


5. at a glance : if you know something at a glance, you only need to look quickly in order to know immediately what is happening, how someone feels etc. (很快就知道发生了什么 / 某人的感受如何)


can see/tell (something) at a glance

He saw at a glance what had happened. (他一眼就看出发生了什么事情。)

I could see at a glance that the situation was serious. (我一下就明白事态严重。)

An expert can tell at a glance whether it's a real diamond or a fake. (珠宝专家一下就可以分出真假钻石。)

She was able to identify the problem at a glance. (她一下就知道问题所在。)


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