
2014-09-25 15:11阿卡索英语

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1. Robin: We never really clicked . I felt bad though, he was pretty bummed .   (我们从来没合拍过,但是他很失望,我感觉很抱歉。)

Barney: Don't beat yourself up . He'll be fine. I mean, the guy's like a billionaire. He can put his platinum card on a fishing line and reel in 10 chicks hotter than you.   (别太自责了。他没事的。我是说呢,他算个亿万富翁,只要他把白金卡吊在鱼竿上,就可以钓上来 10 个比你性感的妞。


1 click: to become friends; to like, understand, and agree with each other 成为朋友;合拍

备注: ''click'' 是较口语化的用法。


I never really clicked with my boss, and it made work a little more difficult. (我跟老板一直不怎么合拍,这给工作带来了一点麻烦。)

I know him fairly well, but we've never really clicked. (我跟他很熟,但是我们算不上真正的朋友。)

They met at a party and clicked right away. (他们在一个派对上认识的,一拍即合。)

(2) bummed: disappointed 失望


He 's pretty bummed about not getting the scholarship. (没拿到奖学金他很失望。)

(3) beat yourself up: to blame yourself too much for something 过于自责


He 's been beating himself up because of the failure of his marriage. (对于失败的婚姻,他常常过于自责。)

If you do your best and you lose, you can't beat yourself up about it. (如果你尽力了,即便输了也不用过于自责。)


2. Ted: Robin was into me when we first met. (我们初次相遇时罗宾就对我有意思了。)


into: to like and be interested in something or somebody 喜欢,感兴趣

I ' m really into folk music. (我非常喜欢民歌。)

He was never into sports. (他对体育从来不感兴趣。)

I usually enjoy her books, but I just couldn 't get into this one. (她的书我基本都喜欢,但这本我怎么都喜欢不起来。)

She is really too into her looks. (她太注重外表了。)

备注: 在剧中,表示“对某人有意思”,用了 ''be into somebody'' ;如果喜欢的程度再深一点,就可以用 ''have a crush on somebody'' 。下次遇到类似的情境,就不要只会说 ''like/love'' 了。

举个 ''have a crush on somebody'' 的例子:

I was the last one to know when you had a crush on Joey when he was moving in. (乔伊刚搬来的时候你对他有意思,我是最后一个知道这事的人。)


3. Marshall: This wedding does sound pretty amazing though. Fancy hotel ballroom, everybody all dressed up. (这个婚宴听起来确实不错。豪华酒店的舞厅,大家都穿着正装。)

Lily: Ah, here we go. (呵呵,又来了。)

Barney: What? (怎么?)

Lily: We can't get anywhere with our wedding plans because I want it to be fun and Marshall wants it to be lame.   (我们在婚礼安排上无法达成一致,因为我想办个有趣的婚礼,而马潇想办个无聊的婚礼。)


(1) fancy: fancy hotels, restaurants, cars etc. are expensive and fashionable 豪华的


Harry took me to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary. (我们周年庆的时候,哈利带我去了个豪华餐厅。)

He drives a big, fancy car. (他开着一辆很大的豪车。)

(2) anywhere:



His career isn 't going anywhere. (他的事业一点都没起色。)

It seemed like a good idea, but it never went anywhere. (这个主意看起来不错,但是没效果。)

We're working hard but we don't seem to be getting anywhere. (我们很努力,但我们好像没有进步。)

Arguing will not get us anywhere. (吵架不能帮我们解决问题。)

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