
2014-09-25 15:09阿卡索英语

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1. Ted: Wow, wow, thanks for being so cool about this, 'cause you know Claudia said... (哇哇哇,谢谢你这么通融,你懂的, Claudia 说……)

Stuart: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, this morning at the rehearsal, Claudia called our 7-year-old flower girl a whore. So, don't take it personally , she's just a little stressed. (好啦好啦,今天早上婚礼彩排的时候, Claudia 把我们 7 岁的花童骂作“婊子”。所以,别把这事放心上,她就是压力有点大了。)


take: to understand or think about something in a certain way 理解

常见的有: ''take it personally'', ''take it the wrong way'' 等等。


He says unkind things to everyone. Try not to take it personally. (= Try not to be offended by what he said.) (他骂了大家,大家别放在心上。)

Don't take this the wrong way (= Do not be offended by this), but I think you could find a better boyfriend. (我这么说你别介意,可我真觉得你可以交到个更好的男朋友。)


2. Lily: Honey, this magazine says more and more couples are opting to have non-traditional weddings out in the woods.   (亲爱的,这本杂志上说,越来越多新人选择在树林里举行非传统的婚礼。)


opt: to choose one thing instead of another 选择

备注: ''opt'' 是不及物动词,常出现的形式是 ''opt for something'' ''opt to do something''


He usually orders strawberry ice cream but opted for chocolate this time. (通常,他都点草莓冰淇淋,但这次点了巧克力冰淇淋。)

She was offered a job but opted to go to college instead. (她应聘上了一份工作,却选择放弃工作去上大学。)

We opted not to buy the extra insurance. (我们决定不买额外保险。)

美剧《老友记》 S02E07 其中一段:

情境: Rachel 暗恋 Ross ,现在 Ross 有女朋友了, Rachel 也决定放手。看她怎么说。

Joey: But uh, uh, what about uh, Ross and uh. . .?
Rachel: Oh what, my whole insane jealousy thing? Well, you know, as much fun as that was, I've decided to opt for sanity .


Joey: 呃……那…… Ross ……怎么办?

Rachel: 呵,之前我争风吃醋那事儿吗?哎,你看,我已经决定选择理智放弃了。


3. Claudia: ... always undermining me at every turn . (……你每次都搞砸我要做的事情)


(1) undermine: to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective 削弱


She tried to undermine my authority by complaining about me to my boss. (她向老板告我的状,想借此削弱我。)

The events of the past year have undermined people's confidence in the government. (去年的事件减少了人们对政府的信心。)

(2) at every turn: happening again and again, especially in an annoying way 某事(尤其是以让人恼火的方式)一而再再而三地发生


They opposed her at every turn. (他们一再反对她。)

problems that presented themselves at every turn (反复出现的问题)


4. Stuart: You know what, the wedding' s off . (这样吧,婚礼取消。)


be off: if an event or activity is off, it has been canceled because of a sudden problem or change in someone's plans 取消


I'm afraid the party's off. Nick won't let us use his apartment. (恐怕派对要取消了,尼克不让我们用他的公寓。)

She called me yesterday to tell me that the deal was off. (她昨天打电话给我,说合约取消。)

The game that was on is now off. (比赛刚才还在进行,现在取消了。)

In the case of a tie, all bets are off. (平局的话,所有赌注取消,不输不赢。)

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