
2014-10-28 12:35阿卡索英语

(一) “请人帮忙”,英语怎么说?


1. ask a favour : to ask someone to be kind or generous by helping you do something or by doing something for you

备注: ''ask a favour'' 是英式英语的用法,美式英语中常作 ''ask a favor''


Could I ask a favor? I need someone to collect the children from school tonight. Are you free? (你帮我个忙好吗?晚上帮我去接小孩放学,好吗?你有没有空?)

ask somebody a favor

I need to ask you a big favor. Could you lend me $1000 till I get my tax refund? (我想请你帮个大忙。借我 $1000 好吗?我拿到退税后还你。)


2. turn to : if someone in a very bad situation turns to someone, they ask that person for help, comfort, sympathy etc.


After my parents died I didn't know who to turn to. (我父母去世后,我不知道该找谁帮忙了。)

Eventually I turned to an organization that helps people with drug and alcohol problems. (最后,我求助于一个帮人戒烟戒酒的组织。)

turn to somebody for something

When things got really bad, I turned to my family for help. (事情真的很严重时,我向家里人求助。)


3. call on : to ask someone for help when you have a problem and especially when they have offered to help you when they can

备注:也可以用 ''call upon''


call on/upon somebody

If you ever have a problem, you know that you can always call on us. (有事随时找我们。)

call on/upon somebody to do something

Being the only person in the office who speaks German, I'm often called upon to translate. (我是办公室里唯一一个会讲德语的人,他们经常找我翻译德语。)


(二) “帮别人的忙”,英语怎么说?


1. help : to make it easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work, showing them what to do, or giving them something they need


I'm ready to help. Is there something for me to do? (我可以帮忙,要我做什么事情?)

Dad, I don't understand my homework. Will you help me? (爸,我作业有点不会,帮我看看好吗?)


2. give/lend a hand : to help someone do something, especially something they have to do in their home such as carrying or lifting things

备注: ''give/lend a hand'' 是非正式的用法,


Scott is moving Saturday and I promised to lend a hand. (斯格特周六搬家,我说过会去帮忙。)

give/lend somebody a hand

Give me a hand and let's see if we can get this box in the car. (搭把手,我们俩试着把这个箱子搬到车上去。)

give/lend a hand with

Could you give me a hand with the shopping? (帮我拿一点东西好吗?)


3. assist : to help someone do something, especially by doing all the easier or less important things for them so that their job is easier

备注: ''assist'' 是正式的用法,


Can you do the job alone, or do you want someone to assist you? (你可以独立完成这个任务,还是需要有人辅佐你一下?)

assist in

In this position, you will assist in training new employees. (这个职位的工作职责是协助培训新员工。)

assist with

Some of the guests assisted with the preparation of the food. (有些客人一起帮忙准备食物。)

assist somebody in/with something

A consultant has been brought in to assist management in restructuring the company. (公司管理层请了个顾问,帮助公司进行改革。)


4. do something for somebody : to help someone by doing something for them that they would normally do themselves


If you're not feeling well, I'll do the shopping for you. (你要是不舒服,我帮你去买东西。)

Did you have someone do your homework for you? It doesn't look like your writing. (别人帮你做的作业吧?这笔迹不像你的。)

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