
2014-10-28 12:40阿卡索英语

1. a lot :


If you plan carefully, a trip to Europe doesn't have to cost a lot. (如果仔细筹划,欧洲之旅并不会花费很多。)

a lot of

We spent a lot of time just lying on the beach. (我们在沙滩上躺了很久。)

The book contains a lot of useful advice about setting up your own business. (关于创业,这本书有很多有用的建议。)

a whole lot/an awful lot (=a very large amount)

To most Americans, $150,000 sounds like a whole lot of money. (对大部分美国人来讲, $150,000 是一笔大数目。)

quite a lot (=a fairly large amount of something)

Helen looks as if she's lost quite a lot of weight recently - is she on a diet? (最近,海伦好像瘦了不少,她在减肥吗?)

a lot more/less

Ask Susan—she knows a lot more about computers than I do. (问问苏珊吧,电脑她比我懂得多。)

a lot to do/see/learn etc.

We've painted the kitchen and the living room, but there's a lot to do in the other rooms. (我们把厨房和客厅漆好了,还有很多房间要漆。)


2. lots : a large amount of something

备注: "lots" 是非正式的用法。


"How much money did you bring with you?" "Lots." - 你带了多少钱来?   - 很多很多。)

lots of

It's a big house, so we've got lots of room for company. (这个房子很大,这样客房就可以有很多。)

There was lots of blood, but I don't think anyone got killed. (这里有很多血,但是我并不认为有人被杀了。)

lots and lots

You can't afford to stay there unless you've got lots and lots of money. (你得很有钱很有钱,才住得起那里。)

lots to see/do/learn etc.

You won't be bored - there are lots to do here. (在这儿不会无聊的,有很多事情可以做。)

lots more/less

There's lots more beer in the cooler if you want some. (还要喝啤酒的话去冰箱里拿,还有很多。)


3. much : use this especially in questions and negatives.


Do you know much about cars? (车子你懂得多吗?)

much pleasure/hope/sense etc.

It gives us much pleasure to announce the names of the winners. (能由我们来宣布冠军得主,我们太高兴了。)

Her answer didn't make much sense to me. (我不太理解她的答案。)

so much

There was so much noise outside. I could hardly hear what she was saying. (外面很吵,我几乎听不见她说话。)

too much

I think Perry's had a little too much wine. (我觉得派瑞喝得太多了点。)

much to do/see/learn etc.

She never seems to have much to say. (她从不多说话。)

He's very young and still has much to learn about how to deal with employees. (他还嫩了点,怎么跟手下打交道还有很多要学。)

much more/less

We've had much less rain this year than last year. (今年的雨水比去年少很多。)

much of (=a large part of something)

Much of Bangladesh remains flooded after last week's torrential rains. (上周的大暴雨导致孟加拉国大部分地区持续涨洪水。)


4. a bundle : a large amount of money

备注: "a bundle" 是非正式的用法。


He lost a bundle in the stock market. (他股票上输了很多钱。)

a bundle of

If you end up hiring a lawyer, it could cost you a bundle of money. (请律师会花很多钱。)

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