
2014-10-29 12:45阿卡索英语

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1. Marshall: It's one of New York Magazine's "Top five romantic getaways on a budget ." (那可是《纽约》杂志评选的“五大省钱浪漫出游地”之一呢。)


(1) getaway: a place where people go for a short vacation 短途旅游目的地

备注: ''getaway'' 常用于美式英语中。


The resort advertises itself as the perfect island getaway. (这个小岛把自己宣传成最好的海岛游目的地。)

Big Bear Lake is a popular weekend getaway. (大贝尔湖是周末短途旅行的好去处。)(备注:大贝尔湖在加利福尼亚州)

(2) on a budget: if you are on a budget, you have planned how you will spend your money usually because you do not have a lot to spend and need to save money 精打细算,省钱


The store has great bargains for people on a budget. (这家店卖的东西物美价廉,适合精打细算钱的人。)  

Travelers on a budget might prefer to camp. (精打细算想省钱的游客可能更喜欢露营。)

a book which offers great ideas for decorating on a budget (这本书介绍了很多省钱装修的好点子)

She started her business on a small/tight/shoestring budget and could not afford to overspend. (她开始创业的时候,没什么钱,不能超支。)


2. Barney: Okay, limited-time offer: I need a "bro" for my bro-ings-on about town. How would you like to be said bro? (好,限时优惠:我需要个“兄弟”一起去参加市里的“哥俩好”。你愿不愿意当我的兄弟?)


said: adj. mentioned before  上述所言的

备注: "said" 常用于法律术语。


The said weapon was later found in the defendant's home. (如上所说的凶器之后在被告家里找到。)

The following is a description of how said property is divided. (接下来就是怎么分配如上所说的财产。)


3. Victoria: I'm gonna be out of town on the 18th! 18 号我要出城!)


这里的 "town" 不是“小镇”的意思,剧中人都生活在纽约,怎么会是“小镇”呢?

town: the town or city where you live 生活的城市或小镇


Cam left town about an hour ago. (卡姆一小时前出城了。)

I'll be out of town for about a week. (我要出城一个星期。)

Guess who's in town ? Jodie's sister! (猜猜看谁来了!朱迪的姐姐啊!)

Do you know of a good place to eat? I'm from out of town (= from a different town ). (你知道哪里有好吃的餐馆吗?我是从外地来的。)

备注 "town" 表示“小镇”时,一般要加冠词。

如: I walked to the nearest town. (我走路去最近的市镇。)  


4. Ted: Oh. Well, um, we can just... wait until you get back. I mean, the whole point was not to rush into this.  (哦,好吧,呃,我们可以……等你回来。我是说,本来就是不想操之过急。)


1 the point: the most important fact or idea 重点,关键


The point is, at least we're all safely back home. (关键是我们都安全回来了。)

Nobody knows exactly how it works. That's the whole point. (关键是没人清楚知道它的工作原理。)

He may not have stolen the money himself, but that's not the point. (他可能没有亲自去偷钱,但这件事的关键不在于“他有没有亲自偷”。)

I need to find out who killed Alf, and more to the point (= what is more important) I need to do it before anyone else gets killed. (我要找出杀埃尔夫的凶手,更重要的是,要在凶手再次行凶前把他揪出来。)

(2) rush: v. to do or decide something too quickly, especially so that you do not have time to do it carefully or well 草率地做某事


I'm not rushing into marriage again. (我不会再闪婚了。)

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