
2014-11-20 12:56阿卡索英语

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1. Robin: Well, I don't know. I'd feel a little Stepford turning down a huge opportunity to chase some guy I'd only known two months. (啊,我不知道。我就是觉得要是为了追随某个才认识两个月的男人而拒绝一个大好机会就有点可笑了。)


turn down: to say no to someone or something, especially in a polite way; to refuse an offer, request, or invitation 婉拒,拒绝(工作机会、邀请等)


They offered her the job but she turned it down. (他们要聘用她,可是她拒绝了。)

I'm not going to turn down an invitation to go to New York! (有人请我去纽约,我肯定不会拒绝啊!)

Josie's already turned him down (= refused his offer of marriage). (乔瑟已经拒绝了他的求婚。)

I asked her out but she turned me down. (我邀她出去玩,但是她拒绝了。)


2. Robin: Short in the front, long in the back? That is the mullet of wedding dresses. (前面短,后面长,这婚纱剪了胭脂鱼发型了吧。)


mullet: 原意是 ''a fairly small sea fish that can be eaten'' (中文一般翻译做“胭脂鱼”),后来有一种发型也叫 ''mullet'' ,指 ''a hairstyle for men in which the hair on the sides and top of the head is short and the hair on the back of the head is long'' (前面和两边剪短,后面留长的发型)


3. Lily: She was kind of homely and strange-looking, and she was really self-conscious about this little mustache she had. (她样子很普通,长得有点怪,而且她真的很介意自己的“小胡子”。)


1 homely: not pretty or handsome, plain or unattractive 长相平平

备注: ''homely'' 这个用法常用于美式英语中,英式英语中表示“人长相普通”常用 ''plain''


She has a homely face. (她长相很普通。)

He's a bit homely but nice. (他长得不帅但是人很好。)

2 self-conscious about: worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you 介意


Jerry's pretty self-conscious about his weight. (杰瑞很介意自己的体重。)


4. Lily: Anyway, halfway through the semester , she just stopped talking to me, and I never figured out why.   (不过过了半个学期后,她就忽然不跟我讲话了,我一直都没能搞清楚这到底是为什么。)


halfway: at a middle point in space or time between two things 中途


halfway through/up/down/between etc

It was a terrible film - I left halfway through. (电影真难看,我看一半就走了。)

traffic queues stretching back halfway to London (从途中就开始堵车,一直堵到伦敦)

the halfway stage/mark/point

They've just reached the halfway stage of the project. (这个项目已经进行到一半了。)


''halfway'' 近义词: ''partway''


I got the bus partway. (我中途上的车 / 不是在始发站上车。)

She left partway through the two-year contract. (签了两年的合同,她中途毁约。)


5. Lily: The only thing that got me through was knowing that my soul mate was back at home waiting for me. (唯一支撑着我的事情就是我知道我的灵魂伴侣在家等着我。)


get (somebody) through something: to come successfully to the end of an unpleasant experience or period of time, or to help someone do this 度过难关


I don't know how we're going to get through the winter. (我不知道该怎么过冬。)  

It was their love that got me through those first difficult months. (他们的爱让我熬过了最初的艰难岁月。)


6. Lily: If Ted's your soul mate, then it may be worth it to hang on to him. (如果泰德是你的灵魂伴侣,那他就值得你去珍惜。)


hang on to: to continue a relationship with someone 与某人继续交往


If that's the kind of person he is, he's not worth hanging on to. (如果他是这样的人,那他就不值得你继续交往下去。)

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