以不变应万变 托福写作万能关键词系列之效率

2015-05-09 11:48阿卡索英语

<;p>;  托福写作题材千变万化,但是再怎么变,也不会逃脱托福写作题库的范围。为了将托福写作题库的内容细化,阿卡索外教网的托福名师分析总结出了十几个万能关键词,何谓“万能”?即对于大多数托福写作话题,作答时都可以结合这个关键词进行阐述和拓展。今天,阿卡索<;span style="font-weight: bold;">;<;a href="http://www.acadsoc.com.cn">;外教一对一<;/a>;<;/span>;老师就给大家介绍其中一个万能关键词--效率。<;br>;<;br>;  1.万能关键字:<;br>;<;br>;  Efficient(效率)<;br>;<;br>;  2.万能关键词句:<;br>;<;br>;  make full use of resource、not to squander efficiency-conscious、take a shortcut(走捷径)、Efficiency is gold、We use half of the effort, but we can double the result等等都可用到关于“效率”的写作中。<;br>;<;br>;  3.万能段落:<;br>;<;br>;  Being efficiency means not to waste and not to squander. Sometimes we use half of the effort, but we can double the result. Modern people chase after efficiency that is the catchword around the globe. Our work efficiency can be enhanced if we adopt proper method; our learning efficiency can be elevated if we take a shortcut. Anyway, when we make full use of the devices at our hands, we may achieve efficiency, which can save our time and efforts.<;br>;<;br>;  以上就是关于“效率”的词句和段落的使用,那么,如何将它们与托福真题结合起来呢?那我们就来看看和“效率”相关的真题:<;br>;<;br>;  2011年7月23日北美托福考试题目:<;br>;<;br>;  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should give students more group assignments because students work more efficiently in groups.<;br>;<;br>;  写作思路如下:<;br>;<;br>;  (1)同意题目的观点:<;br>;<;br>;  Students exchange ideas and it easier to produce new and creative ideas.<;br>;<;br>;  Students are more enthusiastic in group assignments than in individual work<;br>;<;br>;  The spirit of teamwork is easily cultivated in the students' work<;br>;<;br>;  (2)反对题目的观点:<;br>;<;br>;  Students are easily distracted in group assignments<;br>;<;br>;  Students may rely on other students' work and do not do their own part in group work<;br>;<;br>;  Work cannot be entirely balanced and it may create unfair in group work<;br>;<;br>;  以上就是托福写作万能关键词--“效率”的阐释和展开,以及在托福真题中灵活运用的情况。大家如果想要了解更多关于托福写作的思路和范文,接受系统的<;span style="font-weight: bold;">;<;a href="http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/Toefl/">;托福培训<;/a>;<;/span>;,可以访问阿卡索外教网,上面提供关于托福写作的专项课程,由多年辅导托福的名师进行一对一教学。<;br>;<;/p>;
