
2018-06-06 16:48阿卡索英语


1. Priya: my brother ……he’s got a big crush on Bernadette.(我的哥哥深深迷恋着伯纳黛特)


Crush:to be in love with someone but do not have a relationship with him or her..


Don’t you know she has a crush on you?(难道你不知道她暗恋着你?)

Many girls get a deep crush on the young boy who is a genius in piano and can’t extricate themselves.(许多年轻的女孩深深地迷恋着这个钢琴天才少年而无法自拔)

It takes only one second to get a crush on someone,and a year to love someone, but you need a time forget someone. (迷恋上一个人只需一秒钟,爱上一个人则要一年,但是,忘记一个人却得用一辈子的时间。)

The fat boy sat down on a plastic toy so heavily that it was crushed seriously.(意为压扁)


2.  Penny:in kindergarten, I was supposed to marry Jason Sorensen at recess, but by the time my class got out there, he was engaged to Chelsea Himmelfarb. (在幼儿园的时候,说好的在课间休息的时候我要嫁给Jason Sorensen,但是,下课后我跑过去,他竟然已经和Chelsea Himmelfarb订婚了)


(1)the difference between suppose and assume: suppose是在有一定根据的情况下做出的推理,有对假设的结果负责的意味;assume多用于假设,本来是不成立的,给人的选择空间更大. suppose: should do sth, assume: estimate sth


I suppose it will rain. (我认为将会下雨。)

I suppose to be the party tonight. (今晚我应该会去聚会)

I assume that I will be the party tonight. (今晚我估计会去聚会的)

(2)engage: give to in marriage; engage or engross wholly


William was engaged to his brunette. (威廉已经和他的那个黑里俏订了婚)

He is engaged in research into the packaging of the new product line. (他从事于新产品系列包装的研究。)

The two often engage in a battle of words.(他们俩总是唇枪舌剑的。)

3.Penny:god, I screwed up everything. (天哪,事情都被我搞砸了)------

Amy:Don’t be so hard on yourself.(不要太自责)


Hard: cold-hearted, marble


Don’t be so hard to him, he is just a child. (别对他这么无情,他只是个孩子)

Don’t be hard on her, after all, it’s not her fault. (不要责怪她,毕竟这不是她的错)

They have seen hard times, so have a better understanding cherish now.(他们经历过世事艰难,所以更懂得珍惜现在。)

The emery is a hard metallic substance.(金刚砂是非常坚硬的金属物质)

Working hard makes happiness. (勤劳创造幸福)




