
2014-08-30 15:39阿卡索英语



1. be in a hurry/in a rush: if you do something in a hurry or in a rush, you do it too quickly because you do not have much time, usually with the result that you make mistakes 急急忙忙地做某事(通常会忙中出错)


She had left in a hurry, and had forgotten her driver's license.(她匆忙离开,忘了带驾照。)

I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. I can't stop now.(抱歉,我有急事,现在没法停下来。)

Some people always seem to be in a hurry.(有些人总是行色匆匆。)

be in a hurry/rush to do something

Would you like to stay for a coffee, or are you in a hurry to leave? (您要留下来喝杯咖啡,还是急着走?)

We were in a hurry to get back to the office. (我们急着回办公室。)

Why are they in such a rush to sell the house? (他们为什么这么急着卖房子?)


2. hurry through/rush through: to hurry in order to finish something in time, often so that you do not do something properly 赶着做完某事(通常没用心做事)


She hurried through her breakfast with her eyes on the clock. (她急急忙忙地吃早饭,眼睛一直盯着钟看。)

Don't rush through the chapters; take notes as you read. (别赶着看完,边看边做笔记。)

People hurried through their chores, wanting to get to the fair. (大家急匆匆地做完家务,都想去逛集市。)


3. hurry: to go somewhere or do something more quickly than usual, for example because you are late or because you must finish something by a particular time 因为快迟到或者时间紧迫而匆忙做某事/去某地


Please hurry -- this is an emergency. (请快点,紧急情况!)

We have plenty of time, there's no need to hurry. (我们时间充裕,甭着急。)

Brewing beer is a long process and should not be hurried. (酿酒时间很长,急不得。)


4.rush: to do something or go somewhere very quickly, often so quickly that you do not do it carefully or properly 意思大致同2


Try to do your work calmly and carefully, without rushing. (作业心平气和地认真做,别赶着做完。)

The book was rushed into print, and there are a lot of mistakes in it. (这本书草草付梓,书中有不少错误。)

If you rush your meals, you'll get indigestion. (吃饭太快会消化不良。)

rush out/around/into etc.

Everyone rushed out into the street to see what was happening. (大家急忙涌上街头去看到底出什么事了。)

rush to do something

Zack rushed to tell her what had happened. (扎克匆匆告诉她出了什么事。)

I rushed over to meet him. (我匆匆赶来见他。)


5. be pushed/pressed for time: to be in a situation when you must hurry because you do not have enough time for what you have to do 因为时间不足而必须加快速度


I don't want to seem rude but I'm very pressed for time. Could I call you back later?  (我想表现得有礼貌些,但我实在有急事。稍候回你电话,好吗?)

I can't stop right now; I'm a little pushed for time. (我现在没法停下来,我有点急事。)



6. work/race against the clockto work as quickly as you can because you only have a short time to finish something分秒必争


In advertising you're always working against the clock, trying to meet deadlines. (在广告界,做事情分秒必争,要尽量准时交稿。)

(备注:meet deadlines=finish something on time 在最后期限之前做完事情)

work/race against the clock to do something

We really had to work against the clock to finish the report on time. (我们必须分秒必争,准时完成报告。)


7. in a race against time: used when you have to work extremely quickly, especially in order to do something very important, because there is not much time to do it 迅速(字面意思“与时间竞赛”,即指必须在有限的时间内尽快完成非常重要的事)


Battleship repair crews swung into action in a race against time. (战舰维修人员迅速投入工作。)

In an urgent race against time, the Coast Guard and marine biologists struggled to rescue a whale that had beached itself on the shore. (海岸警卫队和海洋生物学家迅速对搁浅鲸鱼实施抢救。)
