《老爸老妈浪漫史》S01E08学习笔记 (3)

2014-09-13 15:39阿卡索英语

(上接 第二部分

1. Barney: Told you. That Lily, she's a shrewd one. (告诉过你了,莉莉很狡猾的。)

Robin: Yeah, she got you a nice new coffeemaker . How dare she! (是啊,她竟敢给你买全新的咖啡机,岂有此理!)


(1) ''nice'' 的用法值得注意:

大家都知道 ''nice and + adj. '' 表示强调,如:

The house seemed nice and tidy.   (房子里好像很干净。)

The weather is nice and warm. (天气很暖和。)

注意:这时的 ''nice and + adj. '' 放在系动词后面;如果 ''nice and + adj. '' 放在名词前面,就不能再加 ''and'' 了。


a nice long holiday (很长的假期)

a nice new car (很新的汽车)

a nice hot drink (很烫的饮料)

以及剧中的 ''a nice new coffeemaker''

(2) How dare you!: used to say that you are angry about what someone has done or said


How dare you touch me! (你竟敢碰我!)

How dare he speak to you like that! (他竟敢那样跟你说话!)


2. Lily: He's not cool with me moving in . (我搬来他不太高兴。)

Marshall: No, that's not it. I mean, you basically lived here all along.   (不是这样的,你基本上算是一直住在这儿了,何谓“搬进来”呢?)


cool: used to say that you agree with something, that you understand it, or that it does not annoy you


OK, Ryan, that's cool, I can do it.   (莱恩,没问题,我可以搞定。)

''I just have to go, you know.'' ''It's all right, it's cool .''   - 我得走了,你懂的。   - 好的,没事儿。)

My mum was cool about whatever I wore.   (我穿什么我妈都无所谓。)

Is Friday cool with you guys?   (你们周五可以吗?)

''Do you want to come over and watch a video tonight?''  ''I'm cool with that.''

  - 你今晚想过来一起看片吗?   - 可以啊。)


Ted: Well, I like it, so I'm just gonna keep it right here, if that's cool . (嗯哼,我喜欢它,所以,如果没问题的话,我就打算把它放在这里。)


3. Ted: Look. Here's why I should get the place. You and Lily, you get to be married. What do I get, right? I get to be unmarried, alone, minus two roommates. And on top of that I could be homeless. Does that seem fair?



(1) get to: to have the chance to do something or to be able to do something


She never got to go to college. (她没能上大学。)

Why do I never get to drive the car? (我为什么永远都不能开车?)

Tom gets to go to Disneyland this year. (汤姆今年终于能去迪士尼了!)

(2) minus: not having, without



He left the restaurant minus his hat. (他没拿帽子就离开了餐厅。)

a fruit that looks like a peach, minus the fuzz (长得像桃子的水果,就是没毛)

He came back from the fight minus a couple of front teeth. (他打架回来,少了几颗门牙。)


Waitress: Here's your mail minus magazines.

(3) on top of...: in addition to something you just mentioned


On top of everything else, he lost his job. (除此之外,他还丢了工作。)

You owe me $20, and that's on top of the $40 you owe me from earlier. (你这次欠我 $20 ,之前还欠我 $40 。)

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