
2014-09-17 14:51阿卡索英语

<;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 紧接 <;a target="_blank" href="http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/article/?id=245">; 上一讲 <;/a>; , <;/span>; <;span style="font-family: 宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 看看“忍耐和接受”的英语怎么表达。 <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0cm;text-indent:0cm;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1">; <;!--[if !supportLists]-->; <;span lang="EN-US">; 1. <;/span>; <;!--[endif]-->; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US" style="color:red">; endure <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; : to accept or be forced to accept a very unpleasant or difficult situation for a long time <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 备注:常见于书面语中 <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 例: <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; We endured the lecture for as long as we could. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (这个演讲我们尽量撑着听下去。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; The people in this country have endured almost a decade of economic hardship. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (这个国家的人民经历了将近 <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; 10 <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 年的经济困难时期。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">;   <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0cm;text-indent:0cm;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1">; <;!--[if !supportLists]-->; <;span lang="EN-US">; 2. <;/span>; <;!--[endif]-->; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US" style="color:red">; take/handle <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; : to accept an unpleasant situation or someone's unpleasant behavior without becoming upset <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 备注:这是较口语化的用法。 <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 例: <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; Careful what you say - he can't take criticism. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (慎言,他受不了批评之言。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; I've tried to be understanding, but quite honestly, this is more than I can take. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (我试着包容理解,但是老实说,这件事我不能接受。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; Are you going to argue with me, or are you just going to stand there and take it? <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (你要跟我吵?还是就站那儿听完,并接受这个事实?) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; I insist you come to my party, and I won't take no for an answer. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (我诚邀你来我的派对,不许你推辞!) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; Tell me what happened - I can handle it. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (告诉我发生了什么事,不管你说什么我都可以接受!) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">;   <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0cm;text-indent:0cm;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1">; <;!--[if !supportLists]-->; <;span lang="EN-US">; 3. <;/span>; <;!--[endif]-->; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US" style="color:red">; live with <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; : to accept an unpleasant situation as a permanent part of your life that you cannot change <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 例: <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; You have to learn to live with stress. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (你得学着承受压力。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; You have to learn to live with other people's mistakes. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (你得学着包容别人的过失。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; I found the burden of guilt very difficult to live with. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (我觉得负罪感让人很难承受。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; Because there was no cure, he had to learn to live with the pain. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (因为这是绝症,所以他只好学着忍受病痛。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; None of us really like the new system, but we've got to learn to live with it. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (没人真心喜欢这个新系统,但我们得学着接受它。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; live with yourself <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; (=accept something bad or wrong that you have done) <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; You should be careful before you do anything rash. Remember, you'll have to live with yourself afterwards. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (三思而后行,别鲁莽。你记住,你永远得自己承担所有结果。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">;   <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0cm;text-indent:0cm;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1">; <;!--[if !supportLists]-->; <;span lang="EN-US">; 4. <;/span>; <;!--[endif]-->; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US" style="color:red">; grin and bear it <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; : to accept something that you do not like because you have no choice <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 备注:该词常用于口语中。 <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 例: <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; Well, I said to myself, I'll just have to grin and bear it. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (我告诉自己,我只要欣然接受就好。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; I don't agree with their decision, but all I can do is to grin and bear it. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; (我不同意他们的决定,但我也只能欣然接受。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; The message was clear - no matter how insulting passengers became, we couldn't do anything but grin and bear it. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (条子上说得很明白,不论乘客如何出言侮辱,我们也只能一笑置之。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">;   <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left:0cm;text-indent:0cm;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1">; <;!--[if !supportLists]-->; <;span lang="EN-US">; 5. <;/span>; <;!--[endif]-->; <;b>; <;span lang="EN-US" style="color:red">; stomach <;/span>; <;/b>; <;span lang="EN-US">; : to accept or experience (something unpleasant) without being sick, upset, etc. <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 备注:这里的 <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; ''stomach'' <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; 做动词使用。 <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">; 例: <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; His behavior is hard to stomach sometimes. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (有时他的行为让人无法容忍。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; I can barely stomach the smell. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (我几乎受不了这味道。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>; <;p>; <;/p>; <;p class="MsoNormal">; <;span lang="EN-US">; He really can't stomach the sight of blood. <;/span>; <;span style="font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"">; (他完全见不得流血。) <;/span>; <;span lang="EN-US">; <;o:p>; <;/o:p>; <;/span>; <;/p>;
