深度剖析工作相关话题 阿卡索一对一外教助您勇夺托福口语高分

2018-06-09 16:40阿卡索英语


其实,我们可以先大胆站在出题者的角度想一下,如果想让考生说说跟工作或职业相关的内容,他可以从哪些角度切入。会不会让考生说说过去的工作经历?有可能。但是有工作经验的考生才有话可说;假若是学生的话,怎么办?这样看来,很可能考官会让你说说你将来想做什么,这样就可避免学生人群无话可说的尴尬。好,就是这两种可能。比如,在2008年3月2日和2006年11月18日两次考到下面题目: If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? What's your reason for choosing this job? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.而2009年12月12日的考题是: Describe a special job that you have had in the past or one that you would like to have in the future. Include details and examples in your explanation.


我们来看看2008年5月10日的考题:Choose a profession that you love and you will never work a day in your life. Explain why this profession would be appealing to you and why you wouldn't take it. Include details and examples to support your response.题中并没有生词,字面意思基本都能看懂,但大家会犯嘀咕,因为对题目的逻辑不太有把握。第一句话的前半句没问题,因为题目的意思是选择一个你喜欢的职业;但后半句话说的是这份职业你在将来是绝对不会碰的。其实看到这里,大家都有点犯难了。什么样的工作是自己内心很想做的,但将来又不会去做的呢?如果倒计时,15秒过去了,你准备好开始说了吗?在考场上估计大家真的遇到这种题,一定会很紧张。那现在我们没有压力,一起来思考下这道题的逻辑。比如,我们可以想像,生活中是否有这样的场景:A非常羡慕B的工作,因为B是外科医生,每年都可以帮好多病人恢复健康,工作有成就感,社会地位高,收入丰厚。于是A想着大学毕业了也去做医生。但当B告诉A,医生这一行很辛苦,每天早出晚归,陪家人的时间很少。一个手术可能要十几个小时,对体力要求很高。而且,如今医患关系紧张,有时病人情绪一激动,医生可能会受伤。还没等B倒完苦水,A就打算放弃这看起来高大上的职业了,决定重新选择自己的职业道路。



Choose a profession that you love and you will never work a day in your life. Explain why this profession would be appealing to you and why you wouldn't take it. Include details and examples to support your response.





Love it. Why?

1. help others

2. respected

3. high income

But I won't do it. Why?

1. little time with family

2. need a strong body

3. risks

Transitional words: first, second, third


第三步:作答Sample answer

开门见山亮出观点:A profession that I love but will never take is being a doctor. 喜欢医生这个职业的理由:It was my dream to become a doctor when I was a child. 1)A doctor can help a lot of people to get rid of some diseases, or even save their lives, and help them to get back to a normal life. 2)That's why doctors are well respected in our society. 3)Besides, for most doctors, especially surgeons, they have a high income and can live in a decent way in a big city like Shanghai. However, I will never take this profession in the future. 不会从事这一职业的原因:Though I admire doctors, I know that it is not easy to be a good doctor. 1)First, to make some achievements in this area, a lot of practice and training are required. They have to work on weekends and during holidays, and so have little time to spend with their family members. 2)Second, doctors need a strong body to cope with the heavy workload, especially surgeons. Sometimes, it takes many hours to finish an operation. 3)Third, in recent years, the tension between doctors and patients is not relieved. There may be unexpected risks. 结论:Therefore, I wouldn't become a doctor though I admire the profession.


