big deal怎么用

2014-08-30 14:45阿卡索英语


What's the deal? Why is he so mad? (口语:发生什么事了?他干嘛这么生气?)

They made a deal to sell the land to a property developer.(他们把地卖给了房地产商。)

看来deal跟“事情”有关,那么big deal是“大事”的意思了吧!




我们来看一下big deal具体怎么用。

big deal作为名词,指的就是大事大人物something of great importance or consequence or an important person

例:He is a big deal in the fashion industry. (他是个时装界的大人物。)

big deal作为感叹词就正好是相反的意思了。说的时候要注意语气,自动脑补汉语中“那又怎样”那种拽拽的语气,书面语最好不要用。It is used ironically when you do not think something is as important as someone else thinks it is.(讽刺地表达事情没有别人想的那么严重、重大)。


It's just a game. If you lose, big deal. (只是场比赛,即使输了又怎么样!)

Anyway, he gave me a raise to $5.50. I mean, big deal. (不管怎么说,他给我涨到$5.50一小时。但有什么了不起的!)

Kate要过30岁生日了,又老了一岁,心情沮丧,朋友安慰她:What's the big deal? It's only a birthday, not the end of the world. (干嘛这样啊!只是过个生日,又不是世界末日!)

再来看美剧《老友记》中的对话。Chandler戒烟好多年后又复吸了,朋友们都对烟味表现出极大的厌恶。Chandler说:So I have a flaw! Big deal! Like Joey's constant knuckle-cracking isn't annoying? And Ross, with his over-pronouncing every single word...I accept all those flaws, why can't you accept me for this? (大意:我是有缺点,那又怎么样呢,你们没有缺点吗?Blabla...把每个朋友的缺点数一遍。)


接着,我们看看跟big deal长的很像的no big deal该怎么用呢?

It’s no big deal. = It’s not a big deal. 也是口语用词,可以用在两种情境下:

1It is said in order to show that you are not upset or angry about something that has happened. 表示说话人对发生的事没生气


It's no big deal. Everybody forgets things sometimes. (没事啊,谁都会偶尔忘事儿!)

2It is said in order to show that something is not important. 不要紧,没关系


The kids won't get many presents this year, but that’s no big deal.(今年没法买太多儿童玩具给孩子了,不过这也不是什么大事。)

My leg is a little sore, but it’s no big deal.(我腿有点儿酸,不过不用担心,没事。)




ROSS: So, uh, Julie tells me you guys are going shopping tomorrow?

MONICA: Yeah, uh, it's actually not that big a deal.

ROSS: It's a big deal to me. This is great, Monica. I really appreciate this.


It's not that big a deal. 在美国口语中很常见,“不值一提”的意思。发音时注意bigg和后面的a的连读。

It's a big deal to me. (对我来说很重要。)

如:This audition is a big deal for Joey. (这个试镜对Joey很重要。)




