“说”字知多少(Part 5)——口语

2014-08-30 14:49阿卡索英语



1. say cheese: 这个最简单不过了,照相的时候,我们说“茄子”,老外说''cheese'',咧嘴大笑一下吧!


2. say your piece: to give your opinion about something, especially something you do not like 把你的观点说出来(尤其是发表反对意见)


You are so quiet in the discussion; you need to say your piece.(你讨论时太沉默了,说出你的观点吧!)


3. wouldn't say boo to a goose: used to describe a shy quiet person形容人特别害羞


She wouldn't say boo to a goose. But she's really come out of her shell since she went to college.(她太害羞了。但她上大学后,就没那么害羞了。)

这里补充一个习语:come out of one's shell,或者bring sb out of his shell,意思是“变得不太害羞,愿意跟别人交谈”。



4. easier said than done: used to say that something would be difficult to do形容某事不易做


Finding the perfect house is easier said than done.(找个适合的房子,说起来容易,做起来难。)


5. No sooner said than done.  used to say that you will do something immediately 说到做到;马上就做;立马完成。


6. enough said: used to say that something is clear, and does not need to be explained any further 事情很清楚了


''Then I saw Jill coming out of Alex's apartment.'' ''Enough said.''

(“然后我看见JillAlex家里出来。”“ 再清楚不过了。”)

备注:''enough said'''上一部分讲过的'say no more''用法类似。


7. It goes without saying...used to say that something is so clear that it does not really need to be stated 毋庸置疑


It goes without saying that a well-rested person is a better worker. (休息好才能工作好,这点毋庸置疑。)

注意:enough saidIt goes without saying...表达的意思差不多,但是用法不同,前者是口语用法,可单独成句;后者要用在完整的句子里。


8. Needless to say...used when you are telling someone something that they probably know or expect毋庸置疑,毫无疑问,很明显


Needless to say, any contributions of money will be gratefully received.(我们当然会欣然接受所有捐款。)

Needless to say, we should be dressed neatly when interviewed.(面试时当然应该穿戴整齐。)

注意:Needless to say..是个副词短语,可用of course, naturally, without doubt, undoubtedly, obviously代替。


9. not say a word/ not breathe a word: 守口如瓶;一言不发


Promise you won't say a word to anyone. (答应我,你会守口如瓶。)

What's wrong? You haven't said a word since you got here.(怎么了?到这儿后你怎么一言不发?)


You gotta promise you'll never, ever tell sb/anyone else.

This just stays between us, right?


10. When all's said and done...: used to remind sb about an important point that needs to be considered提醒对方注意某一点


When all's said and done, he's only a kid. (说到底他只是个孩子。)




